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Camera Club Image judging


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I’ve been following this thread with interest and experimenting with PTE to see how I could make this work for the way we operate at our club.


I had identified the problem you describe with under sized images.

Can I ask you what you mean when you say “actual” pixels?

Do you mean “original” under the mode option within O&A?

Or am I missing something?


Do you mean, “Fit to slide” when you say “fill screen” and why not “original”?


Am I correct in saying that it is not possible to adjust O&A settings such as Mode (Fit to slide etc.) globally? It would be nice if one could!



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Hi John,

Yes, Actual Pixels = Original

If your Project Screen Size is 1024x768 (to suit your projector) and your image is no more than 1024 wide or 768 high then “fit to slide” is the same thing as “original”.

If your Project Screen Size is 1024x768 (to suit your projector) and your image is exactly 1024x768 then:

Fit to slide = Original = Cover Slide


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