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This demo is still work in progress, waiting for your suggestions.

As Lumenlux suggested here, I worked to allow the viewer to mouse-select which photo he wants to bring forward and zoom.

That's what I did with this demo : with your mouse, select a card.

Please note that only the 4 cards on the left can be selected for the moment.

I noticed that once you select a card, it may take some time for the slideshow to present the card. I don't know why...

I would like to have your feedback about this demo.

I plan to release two templates : one with the mouse select option and one without.

Thank you for your comments. :)


[ Click on the image to access the download page ]


Hi Dom,

Cool! My only suggestion would be to spread the deck a little to give you more room for the object selection and perhaps rather than "Pick a Card" put a card value icon such as the King of Hearts, Jack of Spades, Ace, etc., on the card itself and tell the user to click on the card's value rather than just anywhere on the card which "can" miss the object selection area.

Best regards,


This demo is still work in progress, waiting for your suggestions.

As Lumenlux suggested here, I worked to allow the viewer to mouse-select which photo he wants to bring forward and zoom.

That's what I did with this demo : with your mouse, select a card.

Please note that only the 4 cards on the left can be selected for the moment.

I noticed that once you select a card, it may take some time for the slideshow to present the card. I don't know why...

I would like to have your feedback about this demo.

I plan to release two templates : one with the mouse select option and one without.

Thank you for your comments. :)


[ Click on the image to access the download page ]

This demo is still work in progress, waiting for your suggestions.

I would like to have your feedback about this demo.

I plan to release two templates : one with the mouse select option and one without.

Thank you for your comments. :)


[ Click on the image to access the download page ]

I like this idea and think that you should develop it further. I wonder if there will be enough space to display many cards though.



Lin, Ron,

thank you for your comments.

As suggested, I will spread the deck a little.

But I don't think I will add an icon on the back of the cards because I'm afraid it will look a little bit strange.

But as usual, the template will only be a start and people can modify it as they want.

What I plan to do is, once the card has been turned over, to leave it on this side (instead of turning it on its back side over again) when I put it back in the deck.

What do you think of it ?

I will probably release an "automatic" template only because I guess there is not a lot of people interested in the manual version (allow the viewer to mouse-select a card) and it would be a lot of work to release both.



Here is a thought, can you make it perform like a game of 'Solitaire', click on a the pack of Cards, three turn over and the third is dispalyed and then is positioned under one of the colmuns of cards. Just a thought, probably not a very good thought.

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