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:D:P Last semister I was producing avi files for our distant learners of our Bible College.

In order for them to view on the computer they would have to go to My Computer and click the avi file.

Could I use the format I have been using for exe but change it to avi to auto load the avi file?


open = name of the file like this


open = spiritual_authority.avi

and save as




No, you can't do that.

But you can Download my "Video Introduction Utility" from my site.

It is free utility and it will do just what you want if you follow instructions.

You can also try "MultiCD" which can run unlimited files from CD of all kinds, including AVI.

I will make also a small utility which will open AVI file from CD in the users default program, in most cases, Windows Media Player. See topic in this forum.



If all you want to do is AUTORUN your AVI movie from your CD ... you can use this :

This will open your AVI and play it using the users player default settings.


open=start mplayer2.exe \video.avi


This will open your AVI and play it full screen, and close it automatically after the AVI has been played.


open=start mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \video.avi

Note: In place of video.avi above ... use your own actual filename here.

Also, most PCs still carry the mplayer2.exe on their OS ... hopefully this doesnt create a problem for you though .


New Note : I could send you a small Shelexec that will open just about any file using its default program from a CD ? (only 18.5 kb)


Thanks Stu,

It is always good to learn new things.

Can we open any other files in this way ? I mean, any files which are associated to windows media player ?

Are there any other tips like this concerning opening files from CD ?

Thank you Stu,




Just about to email you ...storms here had power out all night ... so im behind in some work :P

There are several commands that will work from INF ... I can work up a simple list to give some examples. But heres another example :

open=notepad.exe \filename.txt

Any ms windows program can just about do this ... you dont need any path string to the program.... windows takes care of its own :D

As for other media files ... providing the proper codecs are installed ... I see no problem in launching them too. Howver some of the command parameters( / / ) might be somewhat different for different file types.

  nobeefstu said:
There are several commands that will work from INF ... I can work up a simple list to give some examples. But heres another example :

open=notepad.exe \filename.txt

The following string also works:

open=notepad.exe filename.txt

(i.e. without the "\". Keeps things simpler :P ).

Make sure "filename.text" is on the root of the CD, or else include the full pathname.


Bless you guys.


:) I will let you know how it works out when I go to work Tuesday.



:rolleyes: Not quite there yet . It looked like it was going to work. At the beginning when after I inserted the cd in all of a sudden it looked like the dos page was tring to come up.

But anyway this is what I typed:


open=start mplayer2.exe/fullscreen/play/close\testamony.avi

then I saved it: Save as autorun.inf




You have a small problem in your labeling .... you do not have the required spaces

Your Lable:


open=start mplayer2.exe/fullscreen/play/close\testamony.avi

Use this Lable below :


open=start mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \testamony.avi

Note: Writing Strings as these ... esp when using multiple parameters is quite tricky sometimes and needs to be exact.


:rolleyes: I see the error of my way. Friday when I return to work I will make the changes.

Hey, I just got an invite to go to Galveston, Texas to give a demonstration for Carnival Cruise Lines out this way.

I wanted to see if on board the ship where they would sell film and process if I could have some cards available about my service.

So, light a candle, or open a bottle of whatever and hope for the best.




:unsure: Well, again it didn't work and I tried very hard to make the right spaces where they should be.

So, for now I decided not to enter this field as it seems to tricky for me. But thanks to all and I will work this perhaps at another time.




Sorry to hear of your difficulties.

It just may happen to be that the OS you are testing on does not have the Mplayer2. Thats one real problem of using a specific named player ... as that player may not exist on all OS you try it on.

You could try doing a FIND FILES of Mplayer ... to see which version (if any) exists or not exists, then adjust your INF content of the filename accordingly.

Another possibility to keep in mind too ... is that your AVI file may require a certain CODEC thats not installed on all pc's. Thus creating more problems for you. (You can just test by dbl click the AVI normally to see if it at least plays on that pc.)

Its never always easy ... good luck.


:unsure: I understand what you are saying and so it may be that a lot of computers that the students are using out there in distant learning would have the same problem as I have. I also noticed that when it did not work I went the usualy way to view the class: my computer etc. and could not. so the students would have the same problem as I.

I believe that we should just leave be as is and just view through my computer where there would be no problem. But thanks for your help Stu.

I did solve the Roxio problem with the win95. After upgrading to win98se the computer accepted Roxio Platinum fine!! I do like Nero but Roxio has that Direct CD (drag and drop etc.) and with Nero that is a separate order I was told. I have been using Roxio on my home computer and have had no problems.




Harry to avoid problems and embarassment start practicing the "KISS" principle :unsure:

develop your shows to the lowest common denomiator -- while you may have some students that can "do-all" there will be a whole lot more that what you consider a simple task, will be out of their reach.

I got 10+ vcrs and they all flash 12:00 :D




There is another alternative way ...which does not use a specific named player to launch the AVI.

I could send you a small Shelexec that will open just about any file using its default program from a CD. (only 18.5 kb) What this means, is that the AVI will open in whatever default player on the OS the User has designated... so it does not matter what player they use ( certain AVI Codecs used will be required ... but this is normal though for any OS a AVI plays on)

However, using command line parameters such as: /fullscreen/play/close\ may be somewhat different for different players.

Therefore a INF content would contain this :


open=ShelExec filename.ext

(filename.ext would be replaced with your filename here.


Your INF content would read as :


open=ShelExec testamony.avi

(the above example does not contain or use parameters ... just opens the AVI)


You want to test and try this way ... I will email you the file ?


:unsure: Thank's Stu, I will try this out Monday.



Hey, Guys...

I'm new to this and I'm trying to burn a PTE file to a CD to give people for viewing.

I was told by another photographer who uses PTE to add an autorun.inf to the CD to make it open and play as soon as the CD-ROM saw it.

How do I do this? Is it just a file with a string of commands like you were discussing? Is there anything specific to my application that I should include? Do I need a shell/what is a shell?


Len in Houston :unsure:


Greetings, Len. Autorun is easy and there are free and shareware utilities to help at Granot's website. His member name is Boxig - look for his forum entries by member name. Here is a link to his site:

Click for Granot's web site

You can find plenty of additional tips in the forum and members' tutorials. Start by going to the top of this web page and click on Search. Then enter autorun where it says "Search by keywords". Also try searching for the word tutorial.



The above discussion mainly relates to running a AVI directly from a AUTORUN.INF file.

Its nowhere near as complicated or confusing to make a AUTORUN.INF for normal uses ( as for your PTE executable).

Actuallly, most users tend to think and make it more complicated than it really is or should be.

Do a SEARCH as Bill "think(box)" suggests ... its somewhat a well discussed topic among most new users.

... and welcome to PTE and the forum 1


:unsure: [autorun]

open=ShelExec filename.ext

Stu, did as you typed and got message that:

Windows cannot find ShelExec.exe

I am going to let it rest for now but thanks for all the input.

I will have a look at Granots site agin.




Id be surprised if you did achieve that function .... as Ive been unable to EMAIL you the file that is required to make this happen.

You need the file named Shelexec that I have (its here on my Pc ...its not on yours yet) that enables this function ... however I been unable to email you this file because the forum doesnot enable attachments in its email.

I need to email you directly ... without your address, I can not send it ! :unsure:



What about the contact email on his web site? ( harry@photoimpressionspresents.com )


Thanks Al,

I had just got that address from Ken too ... and sent it out

I had sent Harry using a old mail address I had from him from sometime back ... I guess thats not longer active.

We will see what he does now :unsure:


:unsure: Stu, I received the email and downloaded the information and I will work with this Monday back at work and thanks for all the help in sticking with this problem.


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