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I am about to buy PTE 5 but before I do I would Iike find out if my computer will be suitable to run it.


Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5500 Supports Enhanced Speedstep Technology 1.66GHz

1 GB Ram DDR2 Sdram 533MHz

Nvidia Geforce Go 7400 with turbo cache supporting 256MB




I consider that Geforce 7400 with shared video memory is an entry-level videocard for PicturesToExe and to get perfect playback of Pan/Zoom effect it better to prefer at least Geforce 7600 and that's also important - with onboard video memory.

Windows Vista also will not work enough fast on Geforce 7400.


Thank You Tom & Igor

For your quick response

I downloaded both the Puzzles and played them on my laptop and they both played perfectly to my inexperienced eyes that is,I also played them on my old desktop and the small one played perfectly but the second sounded like machine gunfire with no pictures,but I did notice that both the puzzles were made prior to PTE5 so can I still assume that PTE5 will run OK,and how do I know what version of PTE any slideshow I download to test with,was made.

I am sorry for asking such basic questions.

Also thank you Lin for the two Puzzles they were quite impressive.



Hi Bill,

The two puzzle slideshows were made with a beta copy of version 5 but work exactly as they would had they been made with the release version.

Though they appear very similar, they are quite different from a hardware requirement perspective. The one which ends with the spinning goats will play on almost any computer, even one with only 32 meg very weak video card. The other one requires a pretty good video card to run smoothly. The difference is in the expansion into memory. Where the first has a total size equal more or less to the compressed size, the second expands to require about 128 meg of video RAM and a fairly good video card to run smoothly. The fact that the second would not play on your old desktop means that you will not be able to play or create many of the more sophisticated PTE shows without upgrading your video card on the desktop.

If you go to the Start, Run then type in DXDIAG and clic on OK you can run the diagnostic and it will report exactly what you have in the way of Video RAM, Video Card and Active X. You first need to find out what type video bus your desktop computer has such as PGI or AGP then a recommendation can be made as to which type replacement video card you should get to allow running PTE properly. You can ask Igor for recommendations, but if your motherboard supports it, the NVIDIA 8600 is very good. If you have the older AGP video slot then one of the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro cards can be used which are very good. They were originally about $500 but can now be purchased for around $75 over the web.

Best regards,


Thank You Tom & Igor

For your quick response

I downloaded both the Puzzles and played them on my laptop and they both played perfectly to my inexperienced eyes that is,I also played them on my old desktop and the small one played perfectly but the second sounded like machine gunfire with no pictures,but I did notice that both the puzzles were made prior to PTE5 so can I still assume that PTE5 will run OK,and how do I know what version of PTE any slideshow I download to test with,was made.

I am sorry for asking such basic questions.

Also thank you Lin for the two Puzzles they were quite impressive.



Hi Tom & Lin


I intend to buy Delux PTE5 from beckamdigital with a AV starter CD and work on the laptop till I can get the desktop sorted (Thanks You for all your help)


I did as advised the desktops graphic card is a Radeon 9550 256mb, I cannot do anything about it at the moment,my friend who built it several years ago is in Australia till the middle of January, when he returns I will get him to upgrade it for me,I have intended having a go at building one my self then hopefully I would understand what everything does but when you price up the bits its a lot cheaper to purchase of the shelf,but then you never learn, its catch 22,anyway for the time being I will work on the laptop although I like the 22in screen of the desktop.

Sorry for being so long in repling but Friday is not my best day for computer time.

Regards Bill



Since yesterday I am the proud owner of a NEC 2470WNX lcd monitor. My CRT was just not giving me the quality I prefer anymore (see my earlier post). This lcd runs in 1920 x 1200 resolution (24") and one of the first things I run was PtE and one of my slideshows. Pictures look realy perfect and its a releaf the workingspace is almost doublled.

I made all my shows in widescreenformat (DVD) working on a CRT resolution of 1280 x 960 to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio. My photo's are all as shot in 3000 x 2000 format. This worked very well with my Asus Redeon 9800 XP 256 Mb videocard and with the CTR.

But now, working in this high resolution there are stutters when PRZ-effects are there during the time the previous slide is fading in and out. Even after resizing the pictures to 1920 x 1200 the problems are still there. Not very nice. So I ran the tests Lin made, and they all worked perfect.

Which leads me to the conclusion that the performance of an G-card is also depending on the monitor and the resolution your are working with. When you consider buying a LCD monitor as I did, it is important to take notice of this.

For me, I have to find myself a "new" AGP G-card that can handle this problem. Or buy a complete new system that can be used for the next 3 or 4 years.

I thought it was usefull to share this experience with you all.

Regards André

I consider that Geforce 7400 with shared video memory is an entry-level videocard for PicturesToExe and to get perfect playback of Pan/Zoom effect it better to prefer at least Geforce 7600 and that's also important - with onboard video memory.

Windows Vista also will not work enough fast on Geforce 7400.

I absolutely agree with Igor. I have just installed an Nvidia 7600 with 512meg RAM and PTE runs beautifully and fast. Interestingly, I started with the Nvidia 8500, but, with my XP machine, it fouled up the booting process and we never got it running correctly (it required two or three boots to get XP up and running). We finally swapped it out for the 7600 and all is well. Seems the 8500 is designed more for Windows Vista than XP.



Prior to buying 2 new PC's (His & Her's) I spoke to Igor and took his advice and went for the 512MB GEFORCE 8600GT PCI Express

It works brilliantly, super smooth animations


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