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Finally got the full version out. Hope you enjoy it. It is at


It may be a little long for most folks, but I wanted to include photos that helped convey the feeling of camping in such a beautiful place.

Feel free to let me know what you think.

Jeff Lunt



great scenery -- mother nature did a pretty good job out there -- she must have been a "wanabee photographer" in her earlier life

but ya gotta watch that XX beer especially in thin air -- 'tis no wonder ya seen UFO's :)



Yes,it was long,about 15mins I think, but as with all of your shows it never became boring.

Due I think to the mainly superb images, good choice of music and pace.

Not to mention the landscape.

Great show! Worth 15mins. of anyones time.

All the Best



Hey Ken. You're right...mother nature has things well in hand.

As for the beer...Needles Outpost is at least 1000 feet lower than where I live. I think I'll have another.



Thanks Neil. I thought of making the show in several parts and posting in sections, but

I felt it moved along well enough intact. Glad you agree.

Thanks for giving the show a look and taking the time to comment.

All the Best back atcha,



So, am I hitting the wrong REPLY button or what? I just can't get these replies to go anywhere but at the bottom of the page.

When I compose the reply the correct message is there, so it seems I have hit the correct button.

Any info?


  cagney123 said:
Finally got the full version out. Hope you enjoy it. It is at


It may be a little long for most folks, but I wanted to include photos that helped convey the feeling of camping in such a beautiful place.

Feel free to let me know what you think.

Jeff Lunt

Hi Jeff

15 minutes of pure visual excellence. Fantastic music and images not bored for one second and was sorry when it ended.



Now that is what I like to hear. I was totally worried that it would be way too much. In the end I hoped that a few would find it of interest. Glad

you were one of them. Thanks a lot Paul.


  cagney123 said:
Finally got the full version out. Hope you enjoy it. It is at


It may be a little long for most folks, but I wanted to include photos that helped convey the feeling of camping in such a beautiful place.

Feel free to let me know what you think.

Jeff Lunt

Hi Jeff,

This show has a mystical quality, almost surreal, more than just the images. To both my wife and me, it seemed more of an experience than a show, and the 15 minutes went by completely unnoticed.

I have always held the view that when image(s) literally reach out from the medium, so that whether paintings, photographs, or slide shows, the medium is forgotten, and one is conscious only of the images and music enveloping and entrancing the mind, then you have art.

Your shows have art.




This show has a mystical quality, almost surreal, more than just the images. To both my wife and me, it seemed more of an experience than a show, and the 15 minutes went by completely unnoticed.

I have always held the view that when image(s) literally reach out from the medium, so that whether paintings, photographs, or slide shows, the medium is forgotten, and one is conscious only of the images and music enveloping and entrancing the mind, then you have art.

Your shows have art.




Colin ....I have to agree with Neil, that you made your point very well. I am humbled by your remarks. You brought something to mind with your comments. It is the reason I don't go to the movies anymore...too many distractions. I now rent DVDs and watch at home...and every once in a while some film will transport me into another world. What a wonderful treat. That my little offering did something like that is just wonderful...and pleases me very much. Thanks for taking the time

to let me know how you felt about the show.

All the best,


  cjdnzl said:
Hi Jeff,

This show has a mystical quality, almost surreal, more than just the images. To both my wife and me, it seemed more of an experience than a show, and the 15 minutes went by completely unnoticed.

I have always held the view that when image(s) literally reach out from the medium, so that whether paintings, photographs, or slide shows, the medium is forgotten, and one is conscious only of the images and music enveloping and entrancing the mind, then you have art.

Your shows have art.



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