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Hello All -

I have a new show for your viewing and critique. I tried to capture the beauty of a devastating ice storm that hit the midwest. The pictures are from our little town of Wamego, Kansas. You can download the show from this link by selecting the show on the bottom called "Ice Storm(01)".


Hope you enjoy it.




That was a lot of ice!

Some great images,some fantastic,some a bit the same.

But a really enjoyable show for me.

But I did comment rather than the zillions of others that look and fail to comment on your work.

Thanks for posting your show.

All the Best



Guilt and duty call, so here is a comment (this kids will just have to go hungry a few minutes longer):

Awesome! I always wanted to see an icestorm--today I got to! The pictures took on a bit of a journey from awe, to humor to pathos to the wonder of being a child again. Awe at the marvels of color and power of nature (Ok, so God actually does it); humor of the poor Rudolph with his bright and freezing nose; pathos of the loss of loved ones in the grave yard, set off by the hope of the living represented by the bright colorful flowers set against the dull gray stones of death; and best of all the wonder of being a child thinking of fairies and sugar plums, nosed pressed to the window, or reaching up with a mittened hand to touch the miracle of a million child-sized icecycles.

When I was little my teacher had a piece of amber with a bug inside. That was so amazing! But here in these pictures you captured all kinds of beautiful things (no bugs--thanks!) inside a pure crystal kind of amber.

One tiny complaint (please forgive me), but while the music is beautiful, it feels more like 11:00 PM in a large empty grocery store, than a little girl discovering the miracle of leaves and wire barbs frozen in winter ice.




Nice gentle mood. I really liked the close-ups the most...but all of it was great.

I grew up in Michigan where we would have these storms from time to time. As a child

I really enjoyed them...and still do, from a photography point of view.

Thanks for sharing, Dave

Jeff Lunt

  neil said:
That was a lot of ice!

Some great images,some fantastic,some a bit the same.

But a really enjoyable show for me.

But I did comment rather than the zillions of others that look and fail to comment on your work.

Thanks for posting your show.

All the Best


Always good to read your comments Neil. Thanks for getting the ball rolling because as anyone that has ever posted a show knows, the silence is deafening.

have a good day.


  JudyKay said:
Guilt and duty call, so here is a comment (this kids will just have to go hungry a few minutes longer):

Awesome! I always wanted to see an icestorm--today I got to! The pictures took on a bit of a journey from awe, to humor to pathos to the wonder of being a child again. Awe at the marvels of color and power of nature (Ok, so God actually does it); humor of the poor Rudolph with his bright and freezing nose; pathos of the loss of loved ones in the grave yard, set off by the hope of the living represented by the bright colorful flowers set against the dull gray stones of death; and best of all the wonder of being a child thinking of fairies and sugar plums, nosed pressed to the window, or reaching up with a mittened hand to touch the miracle of a million child-sized icecycles.

When I was little my teacher had a piece of amber with a bug inside. That was so amazing! But here in these pictures you captured all kinds of beautiful things (no bugs--thanks!) inside a pure crystal kind of amber.

One tiny complaint (please forgive me), but while the music is beautiful, it feels more like 11:00 PM in a large empty grocery store, than a little girl discovering the miracle of leaves and wire barbs frozen in winter ice.



Your guilt should be appeased after such a thoughtful and entertaining critique. I loved the part about the grocery store at 11PM. Truthfully, I struggled with the music. I tried several pieces and none seemed to do what I wanted them to do. The piece I settled for was a little "New Ageish" for my taste, sounding too much like a midi you get with all these emails people forward. I've long contended that finding the right music is the most difficult part.

Thanks again for your valuable comments.



  cagney123 said:
Nice gentle mood. I really liked the close-ups the most...but all of it was great.

I grew up in Michigan where we would have these storms from time to time. As a child

I really enjoyed them...and still do, from a photography point of view.

Thanks for sharing, Dave

Jeff Lunt

Jeff -

Nice to get your comments. As one from Michigan, you certainly know snow & ice. We've talked before about the joy of being "out there". It was actually exciting and energizing being out in all the ice taking the pictures.

Take care.


  bbdigital said:

Can I ask you what size you created the images for this Ice slide show please.


Barry -

The pictures were taken with a Canon 40D at a resolution of 3888 X 2592. I then took them to Photoshop and resized to 1280 X 853.



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