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i'm helping my daughter's teacher by creating a slideshow for her and this one part has something like 550 pictures. synched with the songs of her choice, the length of the slideshow is about 34 minutes long, so here's my problem.

when i click preview, i don't see how i can end the preview and get back to editing/work mode.

i hope i'm just being blind to some easy way of doing it cuz i'd hate to think that i'll have to wait 34 minutes before i can finally get back to making changes.

thanks for any info you can send my way so that i won't be a grandfather before i get this project done!


thanks for taking the time to reply. really? i tried the esc key many times without any success. i finally gave up and just turned off the power! i know it isn't recommended but i wasn't going to sit and wait for 35 minutes!

maybe i'll take a chance and try it again later.

thanks for the second tip: that makes sense and i wondered if that was possible because it definitely isn't efficient to have to always start from slide one!

thanks for the help!

Welcome, dabbler

Just use your keyboard ESC key to exit from Preview at any time.

You can also Preview from any slide by use of buttons or right click options. (see attached image)

Other Info of interest :


See image example below:


You could always try making a short slideshow and test the "ESC" from preview without the potential for waiting 35 minutes. At least it would give you confidence that the ESC key is working (or not). I've never had a problem with it working. Good luck.


This sounds like the Windows Vista problem

If you are trying to exit a PTE4 slide show (from v4.4-4.8) from Vista the escape key does not work. The only way to end is Ctrl+Alt+del then use file manage to shut down the non responsive program.


Download the new file Igor has put up on this forum, version 4.49. Open your slide show using that version and the problem will be solved. Or, download version 5 and move onto that.

That should fix your problem assuming it is the Vista problem in the first place.

For those a litle nervous of the process I have placed a short tutorial at this link. Go to the bottom of the page for the tutorial.



shesh! i just wrote a longish reply only to hit add reply and get an error message!

i'm cursed!

to make a long story short:

* i use version 5 on windows xp pro

* i like the idea of testing the esc key on a very short slide show

* on my second try, i may have messed things up by trying to toy with the menu, keyboard options.

i'll give it another try tonight and let you know how things went.

thank you.


Hi dabbler, welcome to the forum.

Another setting you may want to try is in “Project Options “ – “ Advanced “ top section

“ Mouse Buttons “ set Left / Right mouse click to “ Exit “

I temporarily set this often when creating a show.

See if this exits for you, if so then possibly a defective / sticky “ Esc “ key.

One way to quickly check the " Esc " key is by opening Control Panel / double click on " Keyboard " icon to open keyboard properties window.

Hit the " Esc " key should close the window.


thank you. you guys are so helpful and nice!

picture me slapping my forehead. i was wondering what that meant! sorry, but i don't think it's so intuitive.... or i could just be slow! two drop down menus; i never thought that they represented the left and right mouse clicks! ugh.

thank you for that very valuable piece of info! if it works, it should do the trick. since my ultimate goal is to make various .avi files and then use encore to assemble a dvd for use in dvd players/tv, it shouldn't matter that i set those mouse commands. of course, if it is an issue, i guess i could easily change those settings.

do you use PTE to create a DVD with various "parts" or links? i'm not even sure if it's possible. i mean, i know it can make a single dvd slideshow but what i have in mind for my daughter's preschool teacher is a DVD like one you'd rent from some place like blockbusters, with a main menu and several link/options. if PTE can do that easily, i'll seriously consider doing it that way.

thanks again for the help!

(ps: it's 1:30 am my time now so i'll have to really test the mouse command idea later.)

Hi dabbler, welcome to the forum.

Another setting you may want to try is in “Project Options “ – “ Advanced “ top section

“ Mouse Buttons “ set Left / Right mouse click to “ Exit “

I temporarily set this often when creating a show.

See if this exits for you, if so then possibly a defective / sticky “ Esc “ key.

One way to quickly check the " Esc " key is by opening Control Panel / double click on " Keyboard " icon to open keyboard properties window.

Hit the " Esc " key should close the window.


Hi Dabbler,

I would suggest that before you do anything else you go to the Tutorial section of this forum and download the PTE user Guide. On page 47 and onwards you will find all about the Project Options. Page 62 and onward explains about Video Builder and DVD authoring. It is an essential read for all new users and many more experienced ones too. I keep it on my desktop.


Kind regards



yup, you're right. i have it but hadn't gotten to that section. will do.

Hi Dabbler,

I would suggest that before you do anything else you go to the Tutorial section of this forum and download the PTE user Guide. On page 47 and onwards you will find all about the Project Options. Page 62 and onward explains about Video Builder and DVD authoring. It is an essential read for all new users and many more experienced ones too. I keep it on my desktop.


Kind regards


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