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I just upgraded from V4.20 to the newest V5.1 Deluxe. Everything is so different! I use pics2exe to make photo slide shows. In the previous version, I used 600x450 photo files. The slide show showed the pictures at that resolution and would have black in the space that was left, surrounding the pictures. I used both 600x450 and 450x600 pictures. The slide show would take up the full screen, but the actual photos only took up part of the screen (with black all around).

Now that I have upgraded to V5.1, the photos are getting resized to take up the entire screen. I tried it with the "window" option, and then the photos were the right size, but I prefer the full screen with the black background. How do I do this with this new version? Thanks so much for your help.



Hi Michiele,

To get the appearance that you want all you need to do is use the Zoom parameter of the Objects and Animation feature. To do this, proceed as follows:

- select the first picture

- take the Objects & Animation option and select the Animation tab

- use the mouse to grab one of the "handles" at the corner of your picture and drag to a size that looks about right

- note the zoom percentage in the Animation tab

- now re-key this to a round number (e.g. 83.247 becomes either 80 or 85)

- next click on the little "right arrow" up in the top right hand corner of the window, just above the Animation tab

- this brings up your next picture

- all you do now is key in the same whole number value that you used previously

- repeat this for all the pictures

You will find that you will need a different zoom value for a "vertical" picture as compared to a "horizontal" one. I use 90% vertical and 85% horizontal.

If you haven't already done so, I strongly recommend that you download the PTEv5 User Guide PDF file either from the www.wnsoft.com website or from the Tutorials section of this forum website. This will give you an explanation of all the new features in PTEv5.



Another way is to go to the project options and then the screen tab.

Down the bottom add a tick to disable the scaling of main images and hit the button, set for existing slides. Ignore the not recommended warning unless you are adding animation, which I suspect you are not.

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