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I have made a show, which works fine (PTE 5.1 latest version). It has a single soundtrack and 50 slides. Now I would like to add about 30 minutes of sound over a single black slide in 51st position (essentially background music for post-show coffee time). When I try to add the new track to the 51st slide, I am told I must uncheck "synchronize music and slides" in the Project Options. So I do. Now when I preview the show, no matter which slide I start on, the sound track plays from the start. And I can't get the wave form display in the Timeline.

Help? and Merry Christmas to All!


Hi Argonaut,

Presumably your original soundtrack was assigned via Project Options... Music tab (Am I right?)

If so, just add your second soundtrack item via that same route. It will then start to play as soon as the first soundtrack item ends. All you have to do is transition into your black slide at the start of the second piece of music. Both pieces of music will appear in the Waveform display. It is a limitation of all versions of PTE up to and including v5.1 that sound files associated with specific slides (e.g. via Customize Slide... Music tab) do not appear in the waveform display. I know that addressing this is on Igor's To Do list for a future release.



the quickest and best fix for this is to combine both sound files into one MP3. This will make for a smooth switch from one to the other and will also give you a full time for both tracks and one waveform on the timeline,



Hi Alan,

I agree that combining into a single file is nearly alwys the best option. May I just correct you on one point? You don't need to create a single soundtrack file in order to see multiple files in the Timeline Waveform. If you stack multiple soundtrack files via the Project Options... Music... tab you still see them as a single waveform in the Timeline window.

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