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Hi guys,,hey, My show is roughly 20 megs, now when I go to the videobuilder, and drag the show down to the video area and it nows says 276 megs...ok, thats ok...but, when I go to the timeline and choose "auto spread" along with sync it explodes the size of the show...to 658megs, and the show is only 13 minutes long. I have around 90 pics and most around 60 - 125 kb's...So, this doesnt sound right....why should the show gain in size this much by choosing the options in the Timeline? oh, I also have 4 mp3's for the music.......Ok, after doing some more research,,I can even now untick "auto spread" and it still says 658 megs...It seems that the size doesnt change.....So not sure what has happened..Never had this prob before....show is much too large to even think about burning to a DVD......Iv'e attempted to start over and make a new program, and it even shows a large file....thanks Bill

...why should the show gain in size this much by choosing the options in the Timeline?

The DVD show is basically produced frame by frame according to its set timing (total run time). It appears to me your Time Interval setting (total duration) for your non-sync show is much less than that of your sync music (total duration). Therefore in your case ... its going to take more DVD frames to produce your show using sync/timed to music vs using a set time duration (which totals less than your total music duration).

What is the total dvd runtime displayed/projected in Video Builder of your project for your non-sync music show vs your auto-spread music show ?

I can even now untick "auto spread" and it still says 658 megs

- Untick Auto Spread Music in Timeline

- Click Ok button

- Untick Sync Music checkbox in Project Options

- Click button - Set for Existing Slides in Time Interal settings.

* This will restore your shows time setting to the value entered in the Time Interval. Show timing is now no longer timed to music durations total time.

* Your '658megs' dvd show should easily fit on a 4.7 gig dvd disc.

The DVD show is basically produced frame by frame according to its set timing (total run time). It appears to me your Time Interval setting (total duration) for your non-sync show is much less than that of your sync music (total duration). Therefore in your case ... its going to take more DVD frames to produce your show using sync/timed to music vs using a set time duration (which totals less than your total music duration).

What is the total dvd runtime displayed/projected in Video Builder of your project for your non-sync music show vs your auto-spread music show ?

- Untick Auto Spread Music in Timeline

- Click Ok button

- Untick Sync Music checkbox in Project Options

- Click button - Set for Existing Slides in Time Interal settings.

* This will restore your shows time setting to the value entered in the Time Interval. Show timing is now no longer timed to music durations total time.

* Your '658megs' dvd show should easily fit on a 4.7 gig dvd disc.

NobeefStu,,,yeh, you're right...It did take it back down to around 270megs...Ok, just didnt realize that "time" or frames added that much meg size. Thanks for the info, quite informative...Bill


Ok, I still have a problem when it comes to using the videobuilder. I can get all the way to designing my dvd menu screen, then I move to the screen where I type in my program name and choosing the dvd player and the speed. IfI click my mouse just one time to even select somewhere on the screen the cursor freezes up..I then at that time do a Cntrol, Alt, Delete,,,,then it shows two(2) videobuilder's, and it says "Not responding".... here is the error that I received.......



szAppName : VideoBuilder.exe szAppVer : szModName : hungapp

szModVer : offset : 00000000

can anyone give me an idea why? Thanks Bill ;)



Please read this post ... as it seems to relate to your same issue of 'page freezing' in VideoBuilder. Iam not aware of any quick remedy as the problem seems to point to be an unknown program/software conflict.

Help, Page Freeze :


All I can suggest :

- Use/Install the latest PTE v5.1

- Verify/Install latest DVD burner's - Firmware

- Verify/Install latest Video Card - Drivers

* Your better off posting this issue as a new topic in DVD/Video Builder section of this forum so Igor and Sergey can identify and comment more readily on this problem.

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