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In August 2007 we had a weekend in Rome, so apart form sampling the ice cream several times a day, we did manage to get a look in the Vatican, after an almost strip search, so no tripod, all hand held.


Dear Morturn,

Merry Christmas! I have never seen in the Vatican like that! Maybe I will some day (but I despise people searching my stuff). Maybe once the world calms down a little...

I like the way you see textures and patterns. I spent some time at your website. You have a knack for capturing things that are solid, strong and old. Yet you like ice cream! But, maybe you don't photograph it :)

Thanks again,


  morturn said:
In August 2007 we had a weekend in Rome, so apart form sampling the ice cream several times a day, we did manage to get a look in the Vatican, after an almost strip search, so no tripod, all hand held.


Great work once again Dave. Your hand is certainly more steady than mine on those handheld shots! Very nice inside work with rich colors. Thanks for sharing.

All the best in 2008.


  cottage said:

Great work once again Dave. Your hand is certainly more steady than mine on those handheld shots! Very nice inside work with rich colors. Thanks for sharing.

All the best in 2008.


Today, have downloaded Rome twice from Beechbrook, when trying to open Zip the message is, "No Zip File, bad Zip File, or part of a spanned file."

Wintertime, Vietnam and Cambodia both ok.

Would appreciate your advice please.


  Nathan said:
Today, have downloaded Rome twice from Beechbrook, when trying to open Zip the message is, "No Zip File, bad Zip File, or part of a spanned file."

Wintertime, Vietnam and Cambodia both ok.

Would appreciate your advice please.



Have had no issues with download any files from Beechbrook.Com. Can only imagine that you are not receiving the entire zip file due to network issues. I just download "White Sands" 78+ megs with no troubles at all. And yes, I'm download the shows just like anyone else would across the Internet. :rolleyes:

Note: The Rome presentation is not hosted directly by Beechbrook.Com. It is linked from Dave's website. Wintertime is not on Beechbrook.Com at all. However, the Vietnam/Cambodia presentation is on my server. During the download process watch the download window to see where the file is actually being downloaded from to help isolate any problems. Hope this is somewhat helpful.

Kind regards,



Hi Nathan

Have just checked and all seems well, downloads in less then 2 mins, and works fine.

If the problem continues, I can “dropload” it for you”

PS Hi Bill all the best for 2008 to you too

  morturn said:
Hi Nathan

Have just checked and all seems well, downloads in less then 2 mins, and works fine.

If the problem continues, I can “dropload” it for you”

PS Hi Bill all the best for 2008 to you too

Thank you each for responding. Unfortunately a further attempt via Beechbrook, then morturn.com, ended in failure, same message.

My BT broadband connection is only 512 mbit, downloading speed of PtoE shows varies depending on the time of day. Maybe I've chosen the wrong time as the Rome show from both websites took 12 minutes at 4pm. Nevertheless I was able to download Daniel Laugher's 'Highest Tides' from Beechbrook fully intact in 8 minutes virtually straight after. Most peculiar, beyond my comprehension.

I'll wait until traffic dies down somewhat and try downloading later and see if that has any effect. I won't give up, even if I have to wait until next year!

Bill, sorry about the Wintertime slip up.

All best wishes for 2008 to you all.



Two further attempts from 7.20pm no further success. This time I did not open a new tab to browse during the download, just sat watching the download box move along.

What is happening the download is completing with only 27.7mb of the 37mb in 8 minutes from the original 10 minutes stated at the start. The mystery deepens.

  Nathan said:
Two further attempts from 7.20pm no further success. This time I did not open a new tab to browse during the download, just sat watching the download box move along.

What is happening the download is completing with only 27.7mb of the 37mb in 8 minutes from the original 10 minutes stated at the start. The mystery deepens.

Hi if you PM me your email i will send a copy via dropload

  morturn said:
Hi if you PM me your email i will send a copy via dropload

PM sent. Thank you, your help is appreciated. In the PM I mention downloading White Sands, a much larger file, out of curiosity as this was previously downloaded some time ago.

This has now completed fully intact, albeit in 25mins on my slow connection. So if anyone can tell me why maybe I can sleep somewhat better, the question is niggling away at me.


just a thought

there used to be a browser setting that would basically shut off web activity after x# of mins if no browser action was indicated-- a download would not be be claseed as activity to the browser

if the feed is from beechbrook or mediafire the download normally runs my connection flat out

but it may not be getting that type of feed from Dave's web source


  morturn said:
Hi if you PM me your email i will send a copy via dropload

Success at last thanks to you taking the time and trouble in e-mailing Rome to me.

An excellent show, well worthy of my 'Classic PtoE' folder.

Thank you very much indeed, it's really appreciated.

Ken, noted your point on the browser setting. I use BTYahoo's browser which is based on IE7

with a personalised home page and security settings. If you can recall what the setting might be

I'll take a look see in BT's settings.

Thanks again for helping.



that time out feature was in the early IE 3, 4 and 5 days

you will have to look at all your browser settings - think it was in the connnection section

cant help you with your yahoo clone

but i would be on the phone asap to your isp and ask them


  Nathan said:
...... I use BTYahoo's browser which is based on IE7


Nathan, have you considered using Firefox free browser??

It is reported to have a bit better security than IE and is

less often attacked by hackers than Microsoft based browsers.


I currently use IE at work because I have no choice but

use Firefox at home.



  Dan D. said:
Nathan, have you considered using Firefox free browser??

It is reported to have a bit better security than IE and is

less often attacked by hackers than Microsoft based browsers.


I currently use IE at work because I have no choice but

use Firefox at home.



I have considered downloading Firefox in the past and may do again. However, BTYahoo's browser,

although based on IE7, has much to offer and does compare with Firefox from what I have read

regarding security and other features built in. Even to a built in Norton Antivirus in the webmail section.

It's a rare event for me to use IE7 on it's own.

Thanks for your suggestion though, it's appreciated.


I downloaded the zipped folder from the MORTURN site and get:

"Please insert the last disc of the Multi - volume set and click OK"




I had problems with the download from MORTURN site too, however mediafire worked fine, thanks Ken.

Now to watch the show. :)


"I currently use IE at work because I have no choice but

use Firefox at home."

Just a thought, why not take Firefox with you to work on a flash drive.


Have used couple of these portable apps myself on occasion and they work fine.

I know a couple of people locally who use Firefox at work regularily because

of restricted access. Portable Firefox allows them to surf securely and when closing down

it leaves no footprint., that's their excuse anyway.

I'm long retired so don't have to use naughty methods to access my favourite sites. :rolleyes:


  Ken Cox said:
NATHAN,even tho'you have the download from Dave, could you try my download from mediafire to see if you experience any problem?



Just for you Ken, I needed a coffee break anyway!

No problem with the download, (11 minutes), all files intact.




thks - Beechbrook will not allow linking to mediafire due to the ads etc - Bill's Decison - and he owns Beechbrook - when we first started using mediafire Andrew Busst tried the beechbrook/mediafire route and problems occured.

prior to mediafire i used yousendit and dropload but the files are only up for 30 days then automatically are removed - mediafire advertised that until conditions changed files could stay up forever.

something to think about if ones bandwidth is capped or controlled -- put it there once and send out or post the link for sharing and their server takes the load.

thks again


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