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Firstly, many, many thanks to everybody who is helping here.

I am sorry I'm not replying as quickly as I would like to every msg. I mentioned above I am in the process of moving house from Hobart to Sydney which is a trip of around 1500 kilometers and includes a ten hour crossing of Bass Straight so I have a heck of a lot on my plate at the moment. I'll be settled in Sydney I hope by the 3rd week of January and will try everything that has been suggested at that time. The new home is a scaling down in size so we have to deal with what to keep and what to pass on. I'm sure many of you have had similarly joyous episodes in your lives :lol:

In the meantime I will try to answer a few of your questions :-

I have used 6 images in my test slide-show, one of which is the image I used in an earlier msg to show the effect.

I hope I have been clear that the effect occurs during the transition only. Once each image is static on the screen there is no problem.

To show you the effect I paused the screen towards the end of one transition using the spacebar in PTE. It's interesting that although the image was then static it was still showing the effect from the transition. I was then able to do a screen capture which is what I attached to the earlier msg.

The six images used are of Venice taken early in the morning when a mist had rolled in from the sea so they would have been taken roughly facing east. The date they were taken was 1-Oct-2006.

However, they are far from the only images I have seen the effect. It tends to occur when there are large areas that are very identical and usually light in colour, so a light colour sky would be typical.

After all your helpful suggestions I feel 95% sure it is the Thinkpad video card and probably the answer is another laptop. It's a shame that laptops seem to have problems with slideshows as they are such useful PCs for taking slideshows to various different venues to display.

If only PTE was as good as Proshow with this problem because in every other aspect of Image Quality PTE absolutely beats the pants off ProShow.

My thanks again to you all .... now back to the moving process and sorting out some of my photo and PC accumulations (junk!?) from many years.

Best regards,


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