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I have a landscape picture on screen. Sitting on the pictue are 20 little squares, named 1 to 20. If I click on a square, another landscape picture springs to life on the screen. There is a different picture for each of the squares. So each little square acts like a hyperlink to a picture. Does anyone know how I can achieve this effect with PTE ?



Hi Tom,

I have attached a file showing one way of achieving what I think you are after. There are probably several other solutions maybe some more elegant.

Each of the slides is Customized by setting it to "Loop this slide" under the Main Tab.

Under Project Options "Advanced" tab tick the box Show navigation bar then click on Customize navigation bar and choose waht you want the viewer to be able to do. I decided it would be good to be able to go back to your "menu slide" (first slide) the next slide the previous slide pause or exit. Actually pause is not doing much in this case so you could delete that.

The first slide is like a menu slide. Click on this slide, go to objects and animation, select the second button from the left in the tool bar at the top of the screen (the add button icon). You can move, size, rename and customize the button as you wish. They certainly need tidying up from my quick version.

Select the "Common" tab in the right hand pane. You can rename your button here and the new name will appear in the objects list below. The important thing is to change the "Action on mouse click" to Goto slide number.....and then put the appropriate slide number in the box below.

You can check it all out from the PTE file I have included in the zip.



Hi Tom,

I think Peter has given you the essence of how to proceed, but perhaps this is more specifically what you want to do.

I assume you have a landscape image and these red squares indicate detail areas you wish to show. So the viewer clicks on the red square and a closeup image of that detail area appears? If so, in PTE this would be done by creating the little red squares in Photoshop or other program capable of rendering PNG transparencies. You then add these squares as objects in the objects list. You set each photo in the slide list to loop including the original then you set the attribute for each of the squares placed in areas on the main image to go to the slide number represented by the square. The center of the PNG square is transparent and only the red border is seen. These can be sized at the time they are place on the main image. You add a button to return to the main image on each of the subsequent images. So from the main image you click on a red square and the image associated with that detail area opens. When you want to go back you click on the button on the detail image and it returns you to the first or panoramic image, etc. In addition there is the consideration about which types of transitions or no transitions between the slides which you "jump" to by clicking on the red squares. The easiest way is to set "Quick - No Transition" on all but the main slide. The reason for this is that transitions are from the slide before to the slide to be viewed. So when you click on the red squares, the transition will always be from the first slide - no problem. But when you click on the "Back" or "Return" the transition will be from the slide in the slide list just "before" the slide you are viewing. So you have two options. The first is to use the "Quick, No Transition" for going from any of the 20 slides back to the first. The second way is to create a blank slide and insert it before each of the 20 slides. The the transition will be from the blank to the original. This could be white, black, etc., or you could even make the slide "transparent. Many things to think about....

If you check back I will have a tutorial showing precisely how to do this in the Tutorials section very soon, perhaps later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile here's a link to a sample:


Best regards,


Hi Tom,

If you check back I will have a tutorial showing precisely how to do this in the Tutorials section very soon, perhaps later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile here's a link to a sample:


Best regards,



I await your tutorial with interest!

Ron West


Hi Tom, Ron

Link is up now to AVI tutorial on how to hyperlink and how to create the red-rectangles using PixBuilder or Photoshop, etc.

Also be sure to look at Ron's tutorials which are quite helpful and very well done....

Here's a link to the AVI on the Tutorials section:



Hi Tom, Ron

Link is up now to AVI tutorial on how to hyperlink and how to create the red-rectangles using PixBuilder or Photoshop, etc.

Here's a link to the AVI on the Tutorials section:



Lin, your AVI is brilliant and I was able to follow it without any difficulty. I might make a pdf tutorial on this subject because I think a whole load of members would appreciate it.

Thanks for sharing you expetise with us.

Ron West



Your tutorial is excellent ! I have been through it just once and will have to carefully try it out myself before I have fully grasped the ideas.

Thanks to Peter, too. It really is good of you to help in this way.

If I have any problems I'll report back.





I am now familiar with your hyperlink tutorial. I thought your thorough, step by step, method was excellent and I can certainly see me using it in the future. It didn't exactly meet my current need though, Lin, which is as follows. I have a landscape on the screen, which I will call "base". On this picture there are 20 squares ( not necessarily transparent), labelled 1 to 20. I click on 1 and a new landscape fills the screen. I then use the left mouse button to click from one landscape to the next in a sequence. I may, from time to time, use the right mouse button to go back to a previous landscape. When I reach landscape 20 I then announce to the audience " we will revisit landscapes 3, 7 and 13 ( for example). I then click on a key combination to take me back to "base". I click on square 3 to take me to landscape 3, then the key combination takes me back to "base" where I click on square 7. After the visit to lanscape 7 I go back to "base" and finally go to Landscape 13. How can I achieve this, Lin ?

Best Regards,




Please forgive me for interrupting this dialogue but you seem to want to do something that I've already done before.If I can summarise your requirement to be sure I understand it:

From your opening image, consisting of 20 separate images, you want to click on one and have it display full-screen. Then, from that chosen one, you want to step forward sequentially for a number of images and then return to the original image. At this point you want to then be able to go directly to a nominated image and then return to the original, then go to another nominated image and return to the original. Have I got this right?

If so, then you make each of your twenty images on the "base image" an object. You use the Common tab for each of these objects and set the action on mouse click to be "Go to slide number..." where the number is that of the relevant image when shown full-screen. This will take care of jumping from the base image to a nominated image.

To return from the nominated image to the base image you need to add a button to each nominated image that is programmed via the Common tab to be "Go to slide number" where the number is that of your base image. If you make this button fairly large and have zero opacity and place it in an easily remembered location (e.g. bottom right corner) then when you click in that part of the screen you will go back to your base image.

In project options you need to set "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" in the Main tab of Project Options. And it would probably be a good idea to program the mouse buttons to be Left=Next slide and Right=Previous slide via the Advanced tab of Project Options.

Do you understand how to use PTEv5 features to do that?

I'm convinced this will give you the flexibility that you need as I have an illustrated talk built using this technique but with all buttons visible.



Just one small addition to what Peter and Lin have described. Instead of adding a transparent object to each landscape slide, if you are using PTE version 5, you can program the entire image to return to the menu when you click on it.

Open "O&A / Common" for each landscape slide, click on the slide name in the object list, and then select option "Go to slide number ...", or "Go to first slide" (if your menu is the first slide), under "Action on mouse click".



Technically you are correct, of course, but I got the impression that Tom wanted to step forward manually through his main images by using Left click to advance to Next Slide in addition to being able to "menu" drive the sequence. Your suggestion would work fine to break out of an automated sequence but not out of a manual one, which is what I believe Tom has here.


Peter and Al,

Thanks for chipping in to this dialogue. I'll try out your ideas and see how I get on. It's exciting new territory for me.

Best Regards,




Right you are! This would obviate the mouse control for forwarding to the next landscape image. Unless he were to set up forward control on the right mouse button, and rely solely on the reverse arrow on the keyboard for going back. But this would be different from his stated desire to have the mouse buttons for forward and reverse.

One way this would still work, however, is if there is a border or black area around the image he could click there for forward operation and click directly on the image for returning to the menu. Lots of possibilities.

Igor, perhaps it's time for an option to assign a control to the mouse wheel. This would assist considerably in my own presentations where I like to be away from the keyboard, and use a "bluetooth" mouse for controlling the show.

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