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Hello !

I must admit I'm a bit mad. I've tried PTE demo and fell in love with it! Bought it and the honeymoon was short and sweet!........ I hope someone can help me for the long happely ever after.

I tought I wouldn't need the video builder....

I open PTE, put my licence key and tadada! put my jpg image of aquarius and a little mp3 song. Great=working. PTE project 1.pte is perfect. Did an project1.exe =Working perfectly on my computer.....problems are begining.

In the fabulous manual for PTE V5 they say i'm suppose to push the little button and choose dvd or avi file. Great...at the end...»I dont have the same prop(pop up) as in the manual....hoooo no. They ask me to import my thing into nero or others software and to clic end, only after I put everything on cd or dvd.........that's my first probleme, Nerovision doesn't want anything to do with it and plus there is something about my MPG4 term finish.

That's not all...(imagine all that for a simple avi file) I open my project with the videobuilder free trial... I have the publiity all over, but at least I could accomplish a MPG2 I have the choice between that, dvd files or to burn it. Where's the AVI???? I took the MPG2 working great on my computer...nothing when my usband want's to view it on his computer.I've dwld Audio Video to exe so i could transforme my MPEG in AVI....he only gives me the music....no images.

Search the net all over, found people who had the same problem as me, in forums, they are the only answer.......with no reply.

I'm french so I'm sorry if my english is somekind of basic, and I really hope someone could tell me, not the technicality of it in english, you will loose me. But do you have a kind of walkthrough.......I have my *.exe project working and my *.pte now how do I go from there to----------->AVi that I can put on google video or Youtube and than on my blog.If I have to buy video builder, hey I will PTE was my anniversary gift that I was giving myself.......Really hope that my first buy by Internet, ever! would be a good experience.

Thank you all so much

* Waiting impatiently*



I assume that you are using PTE Deluxe, if so you should be able to burn a DVD directly without using a third party product, if you are not using PTE Deluxe, then download for an additional modest fee. Also check out Barry Beckham's website http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/ he has some free tutorials on burning a DVD in PTE Deluxe.

Also you could contact TheDom's website, he is French with great knowledge of the application of PTE.

Guest Dick Le Bleu

Bon Jour Morgane...

That is the beauty of the PTE Deluxe - It hides all the technical stuff from you, and just makes the DVD! Best investment you can make *if* a DVD is your objective...

But if you want to create other file formats for whatever reason, you can go to videohelp.com. That is where I learned how to do it, but be ready for a little learning time....

But as a quick introduction, get Virtualdub from videohelp. It can read and display the avi file that PTE creates. Note: Do not close (finish) PTE until you are finished creating your final avi. Just open virtualdub with PTE still running. You can just view the slide show, but more important, copy it to a format that can be distributed to others. In Virtualdub - File/Save as AVI... But now you have to dig a little deeper on how to do it. There is tons of tutorials on Videohelp to help you along.

Now you will need a codec, as will all other users who want to watch your slideshow. Videohelp can help you there. Video files are huge! Bear in mind that here in Canada, the avi contains your slide show images at whatever image size you have chosen, 30 frames per second. That is a lot of pictures in sequence! Also the sound has to be attached and the files get quite large. Codecs (coder/decoder) like divx and mpg4 can compress the images not much different than jpg format images are compressed to take up less space.

One final point. The mpg2 file created by PTE deluxe is pretty well universal, and can be read by most computers with a media player that can play DVD's. It is a standard NTSC (720X480) in North America or PAL in Europe (720X576? can't remember). If sharing video slide shows to be played on a computer is your objective, then mpg2 is a great format to choose. Unfortunately, mpg2 codecs are proprietary - I use tmpgenc from Pegasys, but the codec that comes with PTE deluxe as part of the package is superior in my opinion.

I realize I am only scratching the surface here, but I've been where you are now, and just felt I had to try to get you started...

Hope this helps...


Hello !

I must admit I'm a bit mad. I've tried PTE demo and fell in love with it! Bought it and the honeymoon was short and sweet!........ I hope someone can help me for the long happely ever after.

Hi there,

I apprecaite your frustration Morgane but don't despair. I think that you are trying to run before you walk - this is almost always the case when things don't work as expected. PTE is a brilliant piece of software but it does have a steep learning curve especially with version 5.1. You must start at the beginning and work your way thru slowly. There are many forum members who can help you and, for my part, I have posted a lot of easy to follow pdf tutorials on my web site. Download a couple and work thru them at you own pace and I feel sure that you will be delighted with the results.

Visit My Website

Please feel free to email me if you think that I might be of further assistance to you.

Ron West

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