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Hi Gary,

Sorry, have been out of town for a few hours. Go to the "Burn DVD Video Disk" and uncheck the "Create Menu" feature and drag the PTE file down like you would to make a DVD. Click on "Next" then put a check by "Create MPEG 2" and uncheck "Burn DVD Disk". Be sure to place the path where you want the file to end up under "Create MPEG 2 File" then click on "Start" and PTE will create an MPEG 2 for you.

Here's a new wrinkle to consider. If I change the timing for the slides to four seconds then go back and check auto spread slides and synchronize music it makes a perfect AVI.

Be sure to save the original and don't change anything until Igor gets a chance to look at it. Also if I check music plays independently and uncheck synchronize slides and auto spread slides it works perfectly. Go figure.

There is something about the combination of the timing, synchronization and such which is causing this problem and it's definitely a bug of some sort. This is why it's important to save the original. If you want to experiment save the PTE under a different name.

Try changing the timing to four seconds then apply to all slides and remaking the AVI.

Best regards,


Lin...Thanks for going the extra miles with this problem. I'll try what you say about Irfanview and let you know. By the way, how can you create an MPEG with PTE? I don't want to open another can of worms but I don't see that option.

Thanks... Gary



Wow, Powtwnc and DicK!!! Glad to hear I haven't been going crazy for nothing. I hope Igor reads your findings and can fix the bug. Super work for you guys. Thanks. I guess I just have to wait to see what happens now. Thanks...

And thanks for the MPEG steps and I'll see if I can do your new 'wrinkle'.

Sincerely, Gary

PS I'll have to look for 4.49 and give it a try. :rolleyes:


Hi Gary,

Sorry, have been out of town for a few hours. Go to the "Burn DVD Video Disk" and uncheck the "Create Menu" feature and drag the PTE file down like you would to make a DVD. Click on "Next" then put a check by "Create MPEG 2" and uncheck "Burn DVD Disk". Be sure to place the path where you want the file to end up under "Create MPEG 2 File" then click on "Start" and PTE will create an MPEG 2 for you.

Here's a new wrinkle to consider. If I change the timing for the slides to four seconds then go back and check auto spread slides and synchronize music it makes a perfect AVI.

Be sure to save the original and don't change anything until Igor gets a chance to look at it. Also if I check music plays independently and uncheck synchronize slides and auto spread slides it works perfectly. Go figure.

There is something about the combination of the timing, synchronization and such which is causing this problem and it's definitely a bug of some sort. This is why it's important to save the original. If you want to experiment save the PTE under a different name.

Try changing the timing to four seconds then apply to all slides and remaking the AVI.

Best regards,




Sorry I haven't had time to contribute to the testing of your AVI example before this, but I confirmed your results with another twist - my avi version jumps from 9 to 13, to 17, and then to halfway between the transition from 21 to 22. Next it displays halfway between the transition from 25 to 26, and finally between 29 and 30. Seems to be some sort of a timing conflict, dependent on the particular configuration and speed of one's pc setup?? :huh:

On further testing, I can confirm that Lin is closest to the reason for the problem. Gary, when I open the timeline on my system, I notice that "Autospread" is selected, as you indicated, but for some reason the music itself shows as ending half-way through the slideshow. The red "end-of-music" line appears at 1-min, 17-seconds, and the slides appear to be approx. 10 seconds apart.

However, if you uncheck "Autospread", and then check it again, instead of being 10 seconds apart, the slides appear to be spread properly, and are only 2.5 seconds apart. After this change, PTE also produces a correct AVI.


Al and Lin...

I actually made an MPEG. Thanks, for the steps, Lin. And I tried the 'wrinkle' and it worked. Since doing that, I have made several different sizes and codecs and all the AVI's worked!!! Super.

The thing that I do not understand is having to go into the Timeline to select 'Autospread'. In the old versions, when you chose the slides to be sync'd with music, the slides were automatically spread over the music's time. Now, I think itis a mistake to have to go into Timeline to have this done. Even though I know that it now has to be done, many times I just forget that it has to be done and I spend lots of time trying to figure out why it does not work until I remember to go to the Timeline. I wish Igor would put the 'Autospread' back to make it automatic when you select sync'ing the slides with music in the Main tab.

Am I missing something here??? I think I have seen many new users having this problem until someone tells them they have to go into the Timeline and select Autospread. I also think most newbees would want to stay away from the Timeline at first until they get the basics down. I have made many slideshows and never use the Timeline...mostly because I have not figured it out... :huh:

Thanks all for helping me through my problem with creating AVIs.




Sorry I haven't had time to contribute to the testing of your AVI example before this, but I confirmed your results with another twist - my avi version jumps from 9 to 13, to 17, and then to halfway between the transition from 21 to 22. Next it displays halfway between the transition from 25 to 26, and finally between 29 and 30. Seems to be some sort of a timing conflict, dependent on the particular configuration and speed of one's pc setup?? :huh:

On further testing, I can confirm that Lin is closest to the reason for the problem. Gary, when I open the timeline on my system, I notice that "Autospread" is selected, as you indicated, but for some reason the music itself shows as ending half-way through the slideshow. The red "end-of-music" line appears at 1-min, 17-seconds, and the slides appear to be approx. 10 seconds apart.

However, if you uncheck "Autospread", and then check it again, instead of being 10 seconds apart, the slides appear to be spread properly, and are only 2.5 seconds apart. After this change, PTE also produces a correct AVI.


I'm thinking I may actually have a different problem/bug. I do not want "Autospread" in my show. I want my own custom synchronization. So checking "Autospread" is not a workaround option for me.

I've also tried removing the music track, selecting "Autospread" (just to see what would happen) and using a different music track. I still get the "image load error."

I also don't have the red line indicating the music ends early - like Gary's project does.

I sure hope Igor will look into this.

The thing that I do not understand is having to go into the Timeline to select 'Autospread'. In the old versions, when you chose the slides to be sync'd with music, the slides were automatically spread over the music's time. Now, I think itis a mistake to have to go into Timeline to have this done.


I agree with you. (I think we've been over this ground at least once before.) I rarely use the "Autospread" feature, myself, preferring to sync each transition to the music separately, and manually. When setting up an AV I first delete all transitions, and then add them back on the timeline by using the "New transition" button. Then I make adjustments to the end of the show so that the music will not cut off prematurely. If one still wishes to autospread the slides, there is already a means for doing this on the timeline under "Timed Points".

A while ago I asked Igor to give us an option whereby we could choose to manually spread the slides and not experience the music truncating before the end of the slides, but I guess he has more important things on his plate. Best of luck! :)

I'm thinking I may actually have a different problem/bug. I do not want "Autospread" in my show. I want my own custom synchronization. So checking "Autospread" is not a workaround option for me.


I agree - the "autospread" feature is not a viable option for me, either. IMHO, it isn't a "workaround" in Gary's example, but rather the cause of the problem. It just so happens that if I disable it and then re-enable it in his example, the AVI problem disappears. :huh:



I'm still experimenting here and I've found some interesting things... at the slide where I get the "image load error" if I replace that image with the image immediately before it in the show then "poof" no more "image load error" but if I replace it with the image before that one the "image load error" returns.

So I think it really is an image loading error that PTE is having. But why? I have a 70% free space 15,000 RPM SAS drive, 8GB of memory and 2 quad-core 2.66 GHz processors! I load all the same images into PhotoShop at the same time with no problems and my memory usage is tiny!

I'm going to resize the images to smaller ones but I have a different project with much larger disk and memory requirements that works fine with PTE 5.1. So the problem makes no sense to me!



My testing is now complete. The bug I have found - or maybe it's just a PTE limitation - is different than Gary's problem and it only affects users trying to work with very large image files - like I currently am working with.

I will start a new thread tomorrow with the details of my tests and I will also contact WnSoft support about the problem.

My testing is now complete. The bug I have found - or maybe it's just a PTE limitation - is different than Gary's problem and it only affects users trying to work with very large image files - like I currently am working with.

Just for information I have just made a DVD using mpeg2 from my first AV I posted earlier and find that the pan of the second slide (2.5 Meg) and the music stutter (not displayed in the PTE or EXE files). Another pan and zoom later in the show also shows similar faults the rest of the show runs without problem.


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