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  peterandjean said:

I understand extension exe is for playing on any computer. pte is DVD file

Now I saved my presentation at the end of burning and I had a file extension ptv making 3 folders in all

What can ptv be used for please


*.pte files are data files that tell PTE (the program) how the show is put together; image location, screen duration, type and length of transitions, pzr movements, music files and any synchronization, in short a 'blueprint' of how the show is constructed from the image and sound files. *.pte files are not DVD files. *.avi files are the precursor files to burning a DVD.



PTV, not PTE

I wondered about that also because I could find no way to open a PTV file.

It is in Video Builder when you click on Close after making DVD or any of the other selections.

A box pops up asking if you want to save your project because it was changed. The only file selection is .ptv.

Not a typo - V instead of E.

For a 5 slide show, these are the sizes of the files created. The .ptv file is so small, it really could not have saved much of either of the .mpg file or the .pte file.

7.2MB .mpg

6.19K .pte

701 bytes .ptv


The .ptv is the video project file for Video Builder. The file saves all your settings and video show selections you used to create your video project in Video Builder. You use the .ptv file to reproduce the same exact settings/content to make another disc at a later time.

* The .pte and .ptv files store only the settings/selections made ... it does not store any actual file content.

* The .ptv requires the original file content to remain available to reproduce the original/saved project ... as does the .pte file for its projects.

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