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Igor, I noticed the search option is much more simple than it was before.

I don't know when it was changed but the "author" filter is not avalaible any more.

It was very convenient and a big help for a pertinent search.

Is it an option you can put back or is it gone for ever ?

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Thanks for reporting about it! I'll contact to Invision support about this problem on Monday.

It better to don't write them right now, because the forum in a process of moving to another server.

Please always write me about similar moments.

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Igor, I noticed more and more people can't find their answers in the forum, even when the subject has already been discussed.

The search function is very restrictive. Here is the list of limitations I noticed :

- You can not specify if you want to make a search with all terms. The engine uses any of them.

- You can not include in the list of your keywords a term less than four characters.

- You can not specify the name of the author.

- You can not specify if you want to make a search on post subjects only, or message text only, or both.

- You can not display the result as you want : Posts or Topics.

If I remember correctly, all those options were available before.

Anyway, it's almost impossible now to find what you're looking for.

If the upcoming version 5.7 does not take all your time, could you contact Invision ?

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I think some of your concerns are already addressed by the current Search feature.

You can use boolean "+" and "-" to tell the search engine which keys words must be present and which must not.

You can use wildcard "*" to denote that any characters are acceptable.

You can restrict results to just those of one author.

In order to see these possibilities you just have to keep clicking the "More options" button until there are no more options!!!!

I agree that it is increasingly difficult to find subjects which actually do exist but I think some of this is down to the lack of a detailed structure to the forum.



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