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Music is getting cut off at end


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I've never had this problem before! The synchronize music and slides box is checked....and I've used this particular song in the past just fine. Not sure why the problems, but would love if someone had any advice. :blink:

I am running the deluxe 5.0 version. Music duration is 3:57, but gets to the end of the show (last slide) and cuts off @ 2:12. I have 33 slides.

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PTE v5 has 2 settings required to achieve the Music Syncronization ... whereas v4 had only 1.

You need to open the Timeline and make a additional selection for your music options.

You probably need to download and read the PTE v5 Tutorial by Lin and Jeff Evans to get more familiar with the new and different features of v5.

Go to the Tutorials and Articles section of this forum.

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Hello karelle,

using "Auto spread slides along music" is one possible choice. But what is to do if your song lasts 10 minutes, but you only have images for about 5? You may then use the timeline window in order to place the transitions at appropriate positions, fitting to the music. Then you may load the song to some audio editor (Audacity, Goldwave etc.) in order to cut off what you do not need for your show and to include a fade out for the remaining part. Save this sound under a different name and include the modified sound into you show.

Kind regards



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