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While having some free time ... I decided to create a free tool !

Pzr 360 Transitions - A tool which creates a PTE v5 template (.pte) file of pzr slide transition effects for you to easily insert your own image files. Fast and easy to use.

- Requires Pte v5.1

- Requires D3D graphic acceleration capable video card

*I wish to thank Lin and theDom for graciously accepting to test my beta version ... even though I released this full version before Lin had time to get his pc issues sorted. :unsure:

Find it hosted at Beechbrook.Com - PTE Presentations :

beechbrook.com - Pzr 360 Transitions - Templates


  nobeefstu said:
While having some free time ... I decided to create a free tool !

Pzr 360 Transitions - A tool which creates a PTE v5 template (.pte) file of pzr slide transition effects for you to easily insert your own image files. Fast and easy to use...............................


This is fantastic. I.ve only tried a few but for a newcommer to PTE it will help so much with the learning curve.

Thankyou so much. :D



I'm with Susies old man on this one. Thanks very much for your generosity nobeefstu.


Thank You. I am very impressed. This is 1) Very useful 2) Very instructional.

Some of us like to do things the hard way (like make cake scratch--or image shows from scratch), but sometimes all we want is a quick, quality way to present pictures to friends which are not necessarily art exhibit masterpieces -- or a quick tutorial about something we simply forgot how to do. This is the answer to both.

Can't wait to see what you will think of next!



Thanks! Nicely done and a great learning tool. A couple of comments:

When I clicked the "Preview" mode button, I couldn't see that anything was happening other than the central "slide list" (for lack of a better term) window just changes to black and displays what appears to be another "Preview Mode" button with the messages "Allows you to view just the default ...". Clicking that "Preview Mode" button has no effect as far as I can tell (unlike clicking the "Help" button which displays when you have clicked "About") and the slides that appear in the upper right hand window are the same as when you are not in "Preview Mode". Am I misunderstanding something about preview mode?

After I have clicked the "Create Template" button the red "Complete" button opens in the upper right corner. Click that button does open PTE. However, I was expecting that it would open the program with the newly created template/slidehow opened and that does not happen. Also, it was not clear to me where I would find the new template and I had to rummage through directories until it hit me that it might be in the same directory I had created to install your program in. Perhaps an additional item in the instructions file would be appropriate.

Otherwise, it's a pretty intuitive program and has showed me some great ways to make transitions and animations.



Am I misunderstanding something about preview mode?

Maybe not quite misunderstanding ... but may be expecting more of a result. Clicking the black 'Preview' button just enables/indicates your in a Preview Mode. The Preview Mode text and rectangle is just a indicator ... not a clickable action/button.

Preview Mode just allows you click any of the template buttons to view the small template images window only (in the top right panel) without adding any slides/templates to the slide list. Its not meant to provide a full image preview of the template images ... as displaying them in full view didnt account for much since they are such low quality and non replaceable in Pzr360 anyway. Clicking the images also has no effect since they too have no clickable action/button.

I had to rummage through directories until it hit me that it might be in the same directory I had created to install your program in.

All you had to do was click the 'Open Template" button ( that pops up on the left panel below the 'Create Template' button)when the (red rectangle) Completed indicator appears. The programs right panel is used as function indictaors and also has no clickable action/buttons.

the Help says:


General Use Notes:


- Add your slide templates from any of the buttons of assorted slide types. Press 'Create Template' button to build the 'pzr template.pte' file. Press 'Open Template' button to open the completed template file in PTE to add your own images and prefered Project Options.

- 'Preview Mode'just allows view of the default slide template images used in the template file without adding any slide selections to the Slide List.

Hope this clears up some of your questions.

So no bugs ... just maybe your expectations were more. :rolleyes:


NoBeefStu,,well maybe Im a little dense, but,,,I get lost when I take my template into PTE,,,now what do I do...Could you give me a little tutorial on where and how to add the pics to this template.....Ive been using this PTE prog for 5 years now and generally understand particulars...Help if you can..Thanks,,,BTW,, thanks for this great program once I figure it out... Bill :P:P


What A Ride,

The beauty of using any Templates in PTE ... is you can always change any existing Image used in a Slide to a new/different Image.

Just click/select from the Slide List (far right panel) in PTE Main Window the Main Image you want to change ... and just follow the details in the below attached image. To add/change the slides that are using Image Objects you need to open the O&A Editor window ( Objects & Animations button) of the selected Main Image/Slide.

Pictures are better than words ... for this tutorial.


Dont forget to File| Save As in PTE to your own filename and folder location ... otherwise the pzr template will be overwritten when you use Pzr360 again.



thank you for your reply and a really neat program...its folks like you that make things easier for us....Bill



Click that button does open PTE. However, I was expecting that it would open the program with the newly created template/slidehow opened and that does not happen.

After re-reading your above post ... I just now realize you may have a .pte file shell open problem in your OS registry.

I suspect when you dbl-click any of your .pte project files ... PTE program does not open to the correct file.

xahu34 reported on this same issue as he was experiencing the problem not long ago.

You too may need to edit the .pte file Open command/action parameter in your OS registry. This is accessed from Windows main bar-Tools|Folder Options|File Types tab ... look for .pte file extention and click the Advanced button to correctly edit the %1 to "%1"

Read this post:




I think that the correct working of double-click on a *.pte file came in only with v5.1. Last week I was helping a friend with PTE and she was using v5.04 - and the double-click didn't open the selected project file.


I suspect there was more than one v5.1, however if you reinstall the latest v5.1 download that should fix it.

Also note that if you happen to install 4.48 or 4.49 over the top of v5.1, the program defaults to the most recent installation. Just reinstall 5.1 again.


  • 6 months later...

Thanks to All who commented and dowloaded Pzr 360 Transitions

I hope it helps in making your slideshows easier.

Soon To Come !!

Pte Project Reporter

It will be ready in about a week ... my testers are busy testing.


Easily scan, display and view major details of your PicturesToExe Slideshow Projects (.pte project files only) in one simple step. Save the project details to a Project Report file(s) with just a click of a button. This program offers some nice features and functions in a user friendly GUI layout. I hope the .pte file settings I have pre-selected to scan and display are detailed enough for most PTE users general needs.

Pte Project Reporter is FREE TO USE and is designed for use on PicturesToExe v5.1 .pte and newer project files. Older version files can be scanned but may lack details and/or miss report data due to its older file format. Pte Project Reporter does not scan executables or retrive any file data from the compiled project.

Pte Project Reporter can save the scanned data list of each .pte project file to a Project Report text file so you can easily add additional slideshow notes. Project Report also creates a html file of your slideshows Main Images (thumb view size without image target links - supports slides of jpg & bmp image formats only).

Pte Project Reporter does not harm, edit or alter the PicturesToExe .pte file or its file contents.

Heres a sneak preview:


Thats enough for now ... Thanks Again

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