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I'm a new user of PTE and have a question. I'm coming from "Diashow XP from Aquasoft". With Diashow XP it's possible to create chapters to organize the show and to get a overview over the show.

Is there a way to organize a show with more than 400 pictures ?




Hello Nordlicht (or shall I say "Moin Moin" as people in Northern Germany do?)

I have made my experience with DiaShow XP5 from Aquasoft, as well, and I actually liked its capabilities to structure shows. The major problem with this software is, that Aquasoft either is not willing or not capable of using D3D. As a consequence there are animations which I would call jerky.

PTE does not offer chapters. You can only concatenate slides, which are a bit like the parallel objects of XP5. This may not be very comfortable when programming monster shows with hundreds of pictures. But once you get used to the quality of PTE presentations and the power of hierarchical modeling on image level (using relative coordinate systems) you will see that PTE is the better choice.

Kind regards



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