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Run external application

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Hi Uwe,

PTE doesn't support movie clips. You can run a movie clip as an external program called from within PTE by loading it using execute scrpt from a program which supports movie clips. For example, some programs such as IrfanView support movie clips and you can open Irfanview with a script using the syntax provided in the IrfanView documentation so you could call IrfanView with this syntax which would run your video then return seamlessly to PTE. You can also include video clips as separate files using Video Builder so that they play on the DVD but you can't include video clips directly in a PTE presentation.

If this is a video clip you made with a camera, etc., you could use a video decompiler to break the video down into jpgs then play them sequentially. This works well in some cases but it's a good deal of work to make it seamless. It "can" be done but may not be worth the effort.

Best regards,


I am trying to import a movie clip (mpg-file) into a slide show. Can I get a tip:


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Hi Uwe,

As Lin said, this feature is not included in PTE features but you can use Granot's utility : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4103

You will need HideTaskBar by Marcovelo too : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8054

Do not hesitate to ask for more help if you need more details on how to use those tools with PTE.

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