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I want to upgrade from PTE 4.48 to 5.1 deluxe. On Barry's site ( Beckham Digital), the directive is to download 5.1 deluxe from the WnSoft site - then, to get it to work, buy the registration key from Barry's site. The problem is that I am finding it impossible to download 5.1 deluxe ! I have tried half a dozen times, with the same result. My download speed, normally about 300Kb/sec, rapidly reduces to about 5Kb/sec and then the whole download process grinds to a halt. I download things regularly and this is the only time the download has failed. I know I am nott he only one having this problem as others have mentioned iton the Forum. What is the solution?





I get exactly the same problem with the Wnsoft site.

My download speed is normally around 230 kb/sec, but drops right down with this site. Sometimes it is as low as 1 or 2, then grinds to a halt, just as you have found. At best I tend to get speeds of 21 or 22 here, despite experimenting with different times of day to avoid peak times. There were a number of occasions during the beta releases, where I tried over a few days but just had to give up.


Oops...wrong reply button sorry..

Talk about download problem...I can't download anything, anytime lately if it is international(I think). Does that make any sense? I have downloaded a trial version of a software from a USA vendor and no problem...but a week or so ago I was unable to download a bios update from any of the ASUS sites and now I cannot download any of slide shows from the Beckham site or a trial version the PTE 5.1. I have pretty much pulled my hair out and spent toooo much time trying to figure this out....anyone ever have this problem? Running Windows 2000, IE6??




Exactly what is your 'Download Utility System'

* Is it a Radio-Modem Link through a personal Radio Router ?

* Is it a TV-Cable Supplier Link ~ With Home-Modem ?

* Is it a Telecom.ISP Link ~ With Home-Modem ?

* Is it a 'Hot-Spot' Radio Link you bought 'Off-the-Shelf'

You said your Link is 300kB ~ exactly where did you get that Data ?

Its important to answer that question then I may be able to help you.

There are various methods to connect your PC to the Web,some good,

and some poor, and some downright bad !.....so lets see what wrong.



Problem resolved! I have just downloaded from Barry's link in about 30seconds! Why I couldn't do the same from WnSoft remains a mystery. Answering your question, Brian, I connect to the internet from a computer in my lounge that is wirelessly connected to a router upstairs. That has a DSL connection via BT. I'm sorry I have been unable to express this in the terms you used in your message.

So,well done Barry - I'll be on to your site later to pay you some money for the upgrade.

It is lovely and sunny here in Devon.

Best Regards,




You have answered your download problem concerning your 'System Download Speed' viz:-

When you quoted 300kb/Sec I became suspicious as you said, the 'Link' was dropping in speed....

This is the usual normal 'behavioral characteristic' of a 'Wireless Router Link' when downloading

from a 'Proxy Server' such as the WnSoft Site. By the way your Radio-Router is also a 'Proxy-Server'

with an inbuilt Firewall. Because you downloaded directly from Barry's Server the problem was solved.

Had you connected directly to the 'BT.Lan Modem' this problem would not have occured in the 1st place.

To explain why this happens with 'Proxy Links' and 'Proxy Servers' would take an entire page, but let me

assure you there is nothing wrong with your Radio-Link System. Its in the design of the System, and all

of them are designed to the:-"International Wireless Standard 802.1" ~ it is very complex.


Guest Yachtsman1
I want to upgrade from PTE 4.48 to 5.1 deluxe. On Barry's site ( Beckham Digital), the directive is to download 5.1 deluxe from the WnSoft site - then, to get it to work, buy the registration key from Barry's site. The problem is that I am finding it impossible to download 5.1 deluxe ! I have tried half a dozen times, with the same result. My download speed, normally about 300Kb/sec, rapidly reduces to about 5Kb/sec and then the whole download process grinds to a halt. I download things regularly and this is the only time the download has failed. I know I am nott he only one having this problem as others have mentioned iton the Forum. What is the solution?



Hi Tom

I take it this is an upgrade rather than a new buy, I just up-graded from 5 to 5.1 on wnsofts site and on broadband it was done in seconds, have you switched of your firewall and made sure your cookies are authorised when you try to download??


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