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Another test about clock. It's only a 12 hours clock because the file to make a 24 hours clock would be too large, this PTE template is 69 Mo, but the exe file only 16 Mo. I can't have more on my new ladtop which is a 2Go RAM. To do the complete clock, it needs 4Go of RAM and the PTE file would be almost 140 Mo.


You'll find the template, a screensaver (with 60 pictures) and a windowed exe here (format = 16/10 but you can change it in the template).

This template can't be used if you have less than 2 Go RAM memory and it take a lot of time to open and to create a file.

The exe file run on a normal PC, but it take a big delay to start. Click on the numbers of the clock to make it at the good time.

Those exe files, made from a very big template can't start from a batch file (it's the same for Lin's test "Earth and moon"), so I think that Tom will be unhappy, he had this idea.

Of course, this template is free but can't be used to sale to another member of this forum.


Hi Jean-Pierre,

Bravo! Tha't an amazing job. The executable works perfectly. I'm still building my new system which will have 4 gigabytes of RAM so can't try the template yet but this clock is superb!

Best regards,



Thanks Lin, Thanks Tom for your comments.

I agree that PTE isn't today the good tool to do this job, but now you know what is possible to do or not with PTE about your idea and we know that in extrem conditions PTE works always fine.

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