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I had this problem in 5.0 and I just updated and am still having the problem. I'll load say.... 8 songs to a slideshow. The first song will play and let's say the 2nd song plays but the 3rd song will just be void of any sound. The slide show moves on but no music plays.

I am using expressrip to rip music that I legally own. I haven't been able to identify a pattern of which type of music is not working, but I have seen it from music burnt to a cd from itunes (and then ripped) and from music ripped from a commercial CD.

I don't know if it is something in the way I am ripping the music (though I rip the entire CD with the same setting and one song works another doesn't) or if it is something else.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi "Fets",

you say "The first song will play and let's say the 2nd song plays but the 3rd song will just be void of any sound", have you tried changing the order to see if different ones play and don't play. If this is the case then it is not to do with the ripping.

I don't know Expressrip, but why don't you take the tracks straight out of the I-tunes folder instead of ripping with a separate application. Maybe it's because the songs are in Apples AAC format and not MP3, in which case you can change them if you want to MP3 (but I think this only works for ones you rip into I-tunes, not ones purchased from I-Tunes). There are applications on the web to convert AAC to MP3 even for the protected ones but it gets more complex then and I don't know how familiar you are with audio formats and conversions.

Good luck.



I think most PTE users add their music as one file after joining the tracks together in Audacity.

Audacity is free sound editing program you can download from the internet. Search google and you will find Audacity easy. Make sure you download the lame file for exporting MNp3 files at the same time. You should find it on the same site or a link to it.

Install Audacity and go to import and load up your first track, then do the same with the others. Each will be on a separate track and you can use the time shift toot to move the start of one track to the end of the other.

Export the lot as an Mp3 and all the tracks will be stitched together and saved. Its a much better way of creating your soundtrack as well as getting around your problem

  bbdigital said:

I think most PTE users add their music as one file after joining the tracks together in Audacity.

Audacity is free sound editing program you can download from the internet. Search google and you will find Audacity easy. Make sure you download the lame file for exporting MNp3 files at the same time. You should find it on the same site or a link to it.

Install Audacity and go to import and load up your first track, then do the same with the others. Each will be on a separate track and you can use the time shift toot to move the start of one track to the end of the other.

Export the lot as an Mp3 and all the tracks will be stitched together and saved. Its a much better way of creating your soundtrack as well as getting around your problem

Thanks! I will try this tonight, makes sense!



This subject was exhaustively covered just 3 weeks ago (1340 Views) and it looks to me that

you are the latest victim of DRM...."Digital Rights Management" and if you are on a Vista PC

using 'Win.Media Player-11' you have problems. The same can be said for XP-PCs using the new

(updated) 'Win.Media Player-10'. For Apple iTunes and iPods you can download a 'free' utility from

Apple-Mac which converts their format to a Windows format ~ but again the problem returns !

Please examine the "Attachment" for a simple explaination as to how this 'DRM' works with your

Windows.Media Player.The only sure way of getting a 'Sound-Copy' is to record the sound/music

directly from your Sound-Card with a 3rd.party Sound-Recorder.(Audacity doesn't always do that).

Hope this helps,


Link to Thread: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8046

Use the 'Expansion-Button' which pops-up

in lower right-corner of the Attachment.


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