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PTE will not work in a Mac, but that option is being worked on as we speak. I suspect it will be some time before that happens.

In the meantime, you could buy a PC :P


Henri and Al,

I just read your query ~ You do not differentiate between ''MAC PCs'

and the latest 'iMAC PC Range.

MAC-PCs will run PTE through an additional Program called "Parallels".

Its not the best solution but definitely Pte4.49 will run through this.

Pte.5xx I dont know, I haven't tried it.

If your Client has an 'iMAC-PC' ~ PTE will run on its Dual-Platform under

Windows provided it qualifies in terms of Memory and Processor Speed.

Hope this is of some help.


  bbdigital said:
PTE will not work in a Mac, but that option is being worked on as we speak. I suspect it will be some time before that happens.

In the meantime, you could buy a PC :P

Great idea but I already own 9 PCs. Do I need to buy another one? The customer has the MAC and I can't talk him into going with a PC.

  Conflow said:

I just read your query ~ You do not differentiate between ''MAC PCs'

and the latest 'iMAC PC Range.

MAC-PCs will run PTE through an additional Program called "Parallels".

Its not the best solution but definitely Pte4.49 will run through this.

Pte.5xx I dont know, I haven't tried it.

If your Client has an 'iMAC-PC' ~ PTE will run on its Dual-Platform under

Windows provided it qualifies in terms of Memory and Processor Speed.

Hope this is of some help.



Thanks but I am not sure what the client has. Since he bought a Screen Saver for only $12 I don't want to go out and spend $$$ to get a program that will make Screensavers for the MAC. Interesting isn't it, MAC users claim their platform it graphically advanced over the PC but you can't find any programs for under $500 that allow you to make a jpg into a MAC screensaver. Hmmmmmmm I think I will stay with the PC. :rolleyes::rolleyes:




How right you are !!....Now here below is some 'info' which you could pass on to your MAC Client.

Get him to 'Log-on' to the Apple Mac Forum ~ there are 23 sections in this Forum and the section

he wants is the 3rd down the list..."Digital Lifestyles"...everything to do with Mac Photography and

Screen-Savers etc...all he has to do is post a query for 'Screensavers'.




Guest Auser

No need to spend $500. Try iScreensaver. It will turn videos and jpegs into screensavers for $29. Fotomagico (slideshow app) for $49 or $129 (Pro). Or Pulpmotion for $49. So I dont know if your being funny when you say you can find something for under $500 or not. But a search will turn up many apps capable of doing what you want for under $100 let alone $500. And iScreensaver can make them for PCs to. With iScreensaver you can make him a great slideshow using P2E and then convert it.

Of course these are Mac apps so you will obviously need a Mac to use these apps.

Hope this helps.

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