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You sound a little tetchy :rolleyes: I misunderstood you a little, I thought you were saying that buyers from outside the UE pay VAT on UK goods.

However, we have bought stuff on credit card from the USA and can't recall paying VAT. It was a couple of years ago now and perhaps things have tightened up. It would make sense because the world is becoming a global market.


There is an irational fear about the internet as you know and people will phone us to make an order for a DVD. We have to write down the card number and all the details. We are then trusted to shred that information when is has gone through our machine, but how careful are other companies where employees are just looking for an easy life.

If they ordered from us on line their details are all encrypted and we cannot see them in our shop or in worldpay.


That sorts out your PC, and in Ireland that usually resets the Settings on the LAN Firewall...now try 'RegNow'.

Finally, I assume and hope you are not using a "Free-Mail Account" for EMail Communications because the vast

majority of these use 'Automatic Script-Blocking' as an Anti-Hacker security procedure.


Brian. Cornflow

You are correct about your identification of my system

I have taken ALL your advice and have even (briefly) disabled the firewall on my router. All without success. I have now asked two nearby friends ( different pooters; different ISPs) if they can access regnow, I await their response. I do use"Freeserve" for my email but my ISP is Freedom2Surf a paid for account, now owned by Tiscali.

Thank you and every one else for all your help. What a friendly group this is! It will be a pleasure to be a member


I have now seen Brian Cornflow's statement that I will have to pay VAT even if I buy from the US. Please note - it is not the £5 I particularly object to, and accept your view about the "worth" of the programme; it is that the £5 will go to our wonderful Chancellor of the Exchequer and his comrades in Brussels. I had hoped to avoid this by buying from a US site. As it appears that I am unable to avoid the VAT, I will take up your (Barry's) offer.

Regards to all




Many thanks for your reply. I note that you use 'FreeServe' through your (paid) ISP Account 'Freedom2Surf'

a 'Tiscali' Product. believe me, thats your problem.

Had I known this in the beginning I would have answered you in one sentence...DUMP TISCALI NOW...

This 'so-called' Provider owns many Net-Routers and has been in more trouble with the British Regulator about

'mis-representation' of its Products than I have had Hot Dinners.They are also under scrutiny by the E.U people

for flouting 'E.U Standards Regulations' of services to E.U Citizens, of which you are one.

Just look what they are doing:-

They provide you with an ISP Account - meaning that they charge you a 'Fee' for a very basic Internet Connection.

They want an additional 'Fee' for providing you with an EMail Account, and another 'Fee' if they provide Anti-Spam,

and a 'Tiered Fee Level' depending on connection speed and god help you if you have their Telephone Service.

[This 'tiering' was outlawed by the E.U many years ago under (minimum) E.U Standards of Customer Services]

You think you have an 'open-access' EMail Account...Sorry, no you don't... In fact you would have a better service

if you had a Hot-Mail 'Paid' account, or a Yahoo 'Frebie' account. (Many Forum Members use the Hot-mail System)

Your 'FreeServe EMail Account' is so heavily'filtered' that its virtually useless ~ thats deliberate, so you are forced

to subscribe to their EMail Service, although they will offer an alternative explaination for these actions.

Sorry to be the bearer of 'Bad-News' but the quicker you resolve your 'Tiscali' problem the sooner you will enjoy PTE.



VAT Footnote: It was the Americans who designed and 1st introduced VAT in 1954 as a 'Border-Tax' and put it over on

their people as a Sales Tax and it was them who forced it on the International Community through various GATT Agreements,

notably the Graetz Agreement in 1974 as a Trade Sanction. The E.U then introduced it as a 'counter-measure' to their 'Border-Tax'.

Then GATT became the WTO (World-Trade Organisation) with 152 Members including China,Russia,Vietnam who also charge

Vat as a 'Border-Tax'. As of 2002 its now generally accepted that VAT is responsible for ruining the American Economy because

it provides these Countries with $$Dollar Currency which they use to purchase Hi-Tech Manufacturing Systems on a $$Dollar value.

(Source: Harvard University:Law Department:Economic History)




Thank you for your reply. I am unclear why Tiscali would want to block people paying money to Regnow / Pictures2Exe. Perhaps they want me to buy from Barry in the UK

I recently persuaded Freedom2Surf to upgrade my bandwidth and remove my dowload limit, they also gave me a "free" rather cr*py modem which might have been usefull for my daughter, but now sits in its box. The price for this "free upgrade" was me agreeing to a further one year contract (LOL).

An additional joke was that my method of "persuasion" was to threaten to leave F2S and migrate to Tiscali. who were advertising this level of service. It was during this process that I learned that Tiscali had recently bought F2S :-)

Again thank you for your help and enlightenment.



have you been able to buy any products off the web with your current isp?


have you discussed the problem you are having placing a winsoft order

what do they say



Charles & Ken,

Charles, both Ken and I are trying to help you with this problem for the reason:-Been there,

done that, got the 'TeeShirt and got Bitten' and I do believe that Tiscali are one of the best

sales-predators in the E-Business ~ I have had the experience of dealing with them before.

No, they are not trying to stop you from buying from 'RegNow'.....thats Illegal.

'RegNow' are trying to send you an EMail which contains a 'Script-Code' ~Your RegKey,

Tiscali are blocking that in the belief, that its a 'Hacking' attempt. Thats exactly what

they will tell you if challenged. That intrepretation suits them just fine for the reasons

I previously mentioned ~ unfortunately you have fallen for it, you are not the only one.

Think of it as a 'Cash-Point Machine' ~ you can play around with it all day long but it

won't perform until you insert your CashCard with its magnetic Code strip...same thing.


Ken, I've had this problem before with these people and its so amazing how they are able

to fix everything for the ordinary man in the Street should he upgrade to their Premium Service.

Ha,Ha,ha,ha ~ Funny isn't it, you know exactly what I am implying.

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