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Guest Auser

Hello Igor and company,

I know you guys are working hard on updates for the PC version and working towards a Mac version of P2E. However, I was curious if there is any updates on the progress of the Mac version. I currently use P2E on my PC, but my main computer is my Mac and I would love to have something like P2E in a native Mac app. The Mac users are sorely in need of a great slideshow program. Fotomagico is nice, but its lacking in many areas. I know I can install Windows on my Mac, but thats not why I went with a Mac.

So do you have any bones you can throw us Mac users while we wait. I promise not keep bothering you, but an update every once in a while would surely make things better.



I fully agree with Auser so I second his plea for some information in a while regarding developments for Mac users...

And yes, we know about "Parallels" and "Boot camp", but of course prefer a native version of P2E for Leopard.

Henri. :rolleyes:


As I announced earlier on January, we're working on Mac version of PicturesToExe. But it's a long work - we have to vastly rework the program.

I think we'll add creating of native "EXE" files for Mac at the end of this year. PicturesToExe for Windows will able create both kinds of executable files: for Windows and for Mac.

Fully functional PicturesToExe for Mac will be ready in one-two years. Sorry for this long waiting.

Igor, thanks for your quick reaction and we stay looking forward to the birth of PtE for the Mac, or will it be the iPtE?

Henri. :rolleyes:


Yes, "iPTE" could be a possible 'Fast-Track' intermediate solution ~ this is only a personal

thought from an Engineering perspective. I may be wrong, but I would imagine that 'iPTE'

would have a vast market in the young Commercial Sectors as well as with young people

in general who are "with-it" when it comes to the latest Music-Video-Comms Technologies.

I think it would be of use to WnSoft because it would clearly identify the cross-platform

constraints within the Mac World itself. Initially I would see 'iPTE' as a simple Program

with very little functionality except Image-Effects with added Music and Voice with very

simple Start-Pause-Stop functions...thats all whats needed as 'iVideo' is already a reality.

Is there a Market for this ?? ~ Sure as hell, because Sony-iMAc-Nokia-Warner and BMG and

others are up to their necks in this very lucrative Market just right now.

Well I guess this is only a concept dream at this point in time...but who knows ?


Guest Auser

Thanks Igor. 1 or 2 months would have been nicer, but I sure understand its a complicated process.

Thanks and I guess I will have to continue using that darn PC for now. :)


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