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New problem

Record a slide show on the new version PTE, and salio wrong.

I dont possible to explain, but attach photos to help me and say it was my mistake when configuring

In the previous version is OK






Silvia, I am sorry I do not understand the problem you are showing us. Maybe someone will understand and give you an answer. If you need to write your question or problem in Spanish, I will have someone translate and we can then all try to answer. :)

  silvia1 said:
New problem

Record a slide show on the new version PTE, and salio wrong.

I dont possible to explain, but attach photos to help me and say it was my mistake when configuring

In the previous version is OK

You have PM.

  LumenLux said:
Silvia, I am sorry I do not understand the problem you are showing us. Maybe someone will understand and give you an answer. If you need to write your question or problem in Spanish, I will have someone translate and we can then all try to answer. :)

Gracias por el interes en ayudarme. No domino el ingles, por lo cual a veces me es dificil entender algunos puntos del programa.

Seria de gran ayuda si se publicara una version de Help en Español.

Realice un slide show en la version 5.1. Estuvo OK.

Aprovechando que se publico la nueva version 5.5 , abri mi proyecto en esta nueva version, pero algunas de las fotos se mostraron "pequeñitas" como se ve en los archivos que publique, sin embargo al abrirlas en OA, estaban OK, igualmente al hacer "Preview".

Pero al grabarlas en Video Builder estas mismas fotos ( ver archivos ) se distorsionan el Pan , zoom y tamaño.

He vuelto a la version 5.1 y he grabado perfecto mi slide show.

Igual tambien publique que no puedo abrir mis proyectos con doble click desde el icono *pte, cuando uso la version 5.5, pero si puedo abrirlas desde el programa.

Que significa , que tengo PM????






Thanks for the interest in helping me. I do not dominate ingles, thus sometimes is dificil to understand some points to me of the program. Serious helpful if a version of Help in Spanish were published. Show makes slide in version 5.1. It was OK. Taking advantage of that I publish the new version 5.5, abri my project in this new version, but some of the photos were "pequeñitas" as it is seen nevertheless in the archives that it publishes, when opening them in OA, were OK, also when doing "Preview". But when recording them in Builder Video these same photos (to see archives) distort the Bread, zoom lens and size. I have returned to version 5.1 and have recorded perfect my slide show. Equal also it publishes that I cannot open to my projects with double click from the icon * pte, when use version 5.5, but if I can open them from the program. That it means, that I have p.m.? Thanks



Silvia -

“PM” significa Private Message o Mensaje Privado, que se encuentra en su

caja privado de mensaje del PTE foro.

Usted necesita mirar allí a ver el mensaje que “Fly” dejó para usted.

Para encontrar su PM, mire a arriba de la página de Foro y clic en "New


Su pregunta principal ya es incluida aquí en ingles para que Igor o uno de

nosotros pueda contestar.

Estoy seguro que recibirá una respuesta.

I have told Silvia that her problem, described now in English below, will be solved by Igor or one of "us." So who ever knows the solution, please post it here in English and I will have it translated for Silvia.

Thanks for taking interest in helping me. I’m not perfect w/ English and

sometimes it is difficult to understand some points of the program.

It would be of great assistance if a version of HELP was published in


I finished a slide show with version 5.1 and it was OK.

Taking advantage of the new version 5.5, I opened my project w/ this

version, but some of the photos were tiny as seen in the published files.

Nevertheless when opened in OA they were OK even when they are previewed.

But upon recording them in Video Builder these same photos (see files)

distort the pan, zoom, and size.

I’ve returned to use 5.1 and have recorded perfectly my slide show.

Also, I’m not able to open my projects by double clicking the icon *pte

when using version 5.5, but I can open my projects directly from the


What does, I have PM mean? The "PM" part has already been answered in Spanish to Silvia



Silvia-1 & Helpers

It appears that 'Silvia' has 3 problems:-


Creo que entiendo su problema ~ Al hacer Mostrar en 'vídeo-Builder' Las fotografías se convirtió en el "diminuto"

I think I understand your problem ~ When making Show in 'Video-Builder' the Photographs became "tiny"...



Cuando abrí Fotos en la OA que están OK y cuando hacer una vista previa que están OK.

When I opened the Pictures in OA they are OK and when I make a preview they are OK.


When I publish my Project I can not open it with double-click on the Pte Icon*pt when using version 5.5

but I can open them from the Program directly. (Presumably Silvia means from the Exe.File)


I had look at the Images posted with Silvia's query and it seems that she is working within a folder titled

'Pictures to Exe' within which there are very many Folders not in the least connected with the PTE.Program

but does contain many Pte*.pt Files of work in progress or finished. ~ but no Exe.Files !

In fact I could not find the "PTE.Program Folder" within the Images supplied ~ I suspect it is somewhere

else on the Hard Drive.


I might be wrong ~ but I suspect the 'tiny-images' she refers to, could possibly be the rendered Video-Builder

Images and not the origionals entered from the Pte*pt File. I have asked 'Silvia' to re-post Image 01 and 04 in

bigger size so we may be able to sort these problems.




  Conflow said:

When I publish my Project I can not open it with double-click on the Pte Icon*pt when using version 5.5

but I can open them from the Program directly. (Presumably Silvia means from the Exe.File)



Brian, I am certainly unsure about most of this, :) but I think I understand the above differently than you suggest. I would think she means that when clicking on an existing .pte file from within Explorer, the .pte file does not open. But if she already has PTE V5.5 open, she can use File/Open to successfully open the .pte file in question.

But even if I am understanding that element correctly, I don't think that is the main problem she is expressing.

I think maybe Silvia needs to try her "problem" on a simple new project and see what happens. It looks like she is using one of Dom's templates which may be adding to the confusion?


Sorry, Sorry.

Better I write on Spanish

Mi slide show lo hice , usando como ejemplo los primeros slide del Proyecto de JPD : Chantilly V5-06 , publicado hace tiempo.

Si tienen este proyecto en sus archivos, por favor abranlo en PTE 5.5 y en PTE 5.1 y podran apreciar lo que estoy tratando de explicar.

El proyecto Chantilly lo he publicado en Rapidshare. El link es :


Disculpen la molestia



I agree with you completely ~ but from my perspective~ appreciating that 'Silvia' might read my reply,

I was trying to keep this utterly simple in consideration of the Language differences between us and

as I had enhanced Silvias 'Attachments' it appeared to me that the Programs,Folders & Files were

completely disassociated on the Hard-Drive-Tree as shown in the 'Attachments'....Yes I did see the

Dom-Folder within the "Pictures to Exe Folder"...there was also a Folder titled Lin Evans and other such

Folders within that same Pictures to Exe Folder ??...but I could not find the PTE Program in there nor on

the HD ?

Both you and I know too well that this is a receipe for disaster, consequently I asked Silvia to enlarge

those sections of the 'HD-Tree' so we could appreciate that problem first before we delved into the other

probable causes of the Program malfunctions.

It's very strange that PTE 5.1 appears to work but not 5.5 - so I assumed it might be a simple matter of

cross-confusion between the two Programs. I done this myself between Pte 4.12 and 4.48.where I thought

I was making a Show with 4.12 where in fact it was 4.48 and like an 'idiot' I spent days trying to find my

missing *pt.File in 4.12 ~ Yes you are right,I gave myself a damn good kick !!

Best regards,


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