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We plan to complete PTE v4.10 beta #1 on Monday, July 7th.

p.s. now I'm working to make more fine customization of a slide. E.g. if you want to assign only custom effect for a slide, it will able to keep default time options or background preference from the Project options for this personalized slide. I think it's a very important ability.


Good news, Igor! You must have been working overtime the last few weeks! :D

The ability to retain certain default options for customized slides will be a handy feature. I hope, too, we will be able to modify the customized effect from the timeline???? Please?? ;)


You will able to double-click on a transition point to call Personal settings of the slide and select necessary effect.

Also I hope to make visual adjusting of the effect duration on the time-line.

(Maybe not in the beta #1, but later.)


Thank you Igor ;)

Your hard work is greatly appreciated.

I would have loved to have had your beta version yesterday, as it would have saved me lots of time. I look forward to trying out the new version soon.

Best wishes


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