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Manual Slide show using ver 5


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I did a quick search of the forum for this topic and found a thread from a year ago on this topic.

I would like to re-visit this topic to see if things have changed at all in Ver 5 since that time.

I frequently use a manual show when doing presentations, particularly tutorials. In ver 4, it is simply a matter of de-activating DISPLAY SLIDE FOR x SECONDS and then setting the Mouse buttons for next and previous slide.

I have been asked several times in the past month how to run manual shows. I explained it to the first person who then informed me it didn't work. Then I found out they were using ver 5. I tried it and agreed.

They followed my suggestion and downloaded ver 4 and used it.

Subsequently I have played a little and can make ver 5 work manually, by setting the DISPLAY SLIDE for 5000 seconds and then setting the mouse buttons. This seems to do the trick (unless of course you want the slide up for longer than 5000 seconds in which case I guess you would have to introduce a PAUSE control and or increase the 5000 seconds. (I know 50,000 seconds won't work as I tried it :P )

There is no problem continuing to use ver 4 for me, but I know some people are reluctant to keep more than one version of a software active on their computer.

Is ver 4 still the route to go, or has there been some minor tuning that I have missed in ver 5 to provide the same functionality as ver 4 ?


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I think I just found the answer thanks to Peter Appleton in a recent thread here

I had not updated my ver 5 to ver 5.1.

Peter pointed out the "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" on the Main Tab of Project options. Seems to work like a charm

Will have to play more to be sure.

Guess I should get back to staying more current with the forum !!! :( :(

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Hi Jim,

There is much more functionality in the new version. You can also use the "Customize This Slide" to access individual slide features such as "loop this slide" which can also serve to prevent automatic advance until you use either the mouse or keyboard controls to advance or go backward. You can set the Navigation Bar to a number of functions and it's not difficult to even program a blank slide to pop up at the end or beginning having a menu to go to any particular slide. It's really easy to do this and has been discussed on the forum in much detail. If you have questions, just ask and someone will be glad to help you program about any type event you wish to have in your slideshow. Also download and read the User's Guide (actually there are two of them) either the official or unofficial versions both available via the help menu in PTE.

You may want to also look at some of the slideshows designed to either demonstrate some of these features or which actually use more advanced techniques for manual slideshows such as the one BJC did recently here:


There are also other mapping techniques which can add some interest to manual shows which need to depict routes, etc. such as here:


Even thought these shows are "automated" they could and can be easily made completely manual with just a few keystrokes. The pause control will stop a slide mid-transition and hold it as long as you wish.


I think I just found the answer thanks to Peter Appleton in a recent thread here

I had not updated my ver 5 to ver 5.1.

Peter pointed out the "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" on the Main Tab of Project options. Seems to work like a charm

Will have to play more to be sure.

Guess I should get back to staying more current with the forum !!! :(:(

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Glad you found my previous post on this subject. In the earlier 5.0x versions of PTE the "Wait for key press..." option wasn't there and so manual control was nigh on impossible. Igor put that option into v5.1 and everything then worked fine.

Like you, I build quite a few manual sequences as well as automatic ones and until v5.1 came along I had to retain v4 to give me what I wanted. Now I have just about abandoned all use of v4. I'm currently using v5.5-b3 and have just downloaded v5.5-b4. The manual control is still there!

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