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Hi I am fairly new here and I am looking for some advise in creating shows for competition purposes!

Firstly I am having a hard time at present as I only have PTE trial version to try to master but find it very daunting at present, however I am using another program which I find more flexible although I am having reservations and probably will change over to PTE as it seems to be the norm for competition purposes. Basically I am trying to find out the following:

1 does a show have to have a title at the start off the opening slides?

2 Can you show through tranistions the idea you are turning the pages of a book?

3 How can you give the impression that the person is falling asleep?

What I want to do really is to be seen to be lifting a book however after a few pages drift into sleep and then enter the slide show as if you where dreaming you where there!

Probably to some off you this will be easy but as I have never attempted the world of AV it is a bit daunting also how can you get sound effects and arrive at a narration etc!!


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The answer to question 1 is, that's up to you. A title can help set the scene and give the audience a clue as to what is coming, but it is not essential. You could have the title come up after 4-5 images if you wish. Competition rules may ask for a title, but that may be one you give the show for identification or physically at the start of the show.

Question 2. The answer is yes, you can have a book turning technique. There are a couple of demos at the link below if the effect you may want.


Question 3. Yes, you can give the impression, but this will be a personal thing. One may choose to have the images gradually blur out, or fade to white. There are a few ideas that come to mind.

Sound effects can be obtained from sound effects disks, via dedicated sites on the Internet, or even recorded live as some members do to good effect.

These are generally mixed together using a sound editing software and one that appears to be used by many AV enthusiasts is Audacity. This is completely free, reasonably easy to use and will meet all of your AV sound needs


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The answer to question 1 is, that's up to you. A title can help set the scene and give the audience a clue as to what is coming, but it is not essential. You could have the title come up after 4-5 images if you wish. Competition rules may ask for a title, but that may be one you give the show for identification or physically at the start of the show.

Question 2. The answer is yes, you can have a book turning technique. There are a couple of demos at the link below if the effect you may want.


Question 3. Yes, you can give the impression, but this will be a personal thing. One may choose to have the images gradually blur out, or fade to white. There are a few ideas that come to mind.

Sound effects can be obtained from sound effects disks, via dedicated sites on the Internet, or even recorded live as some members do to good effect.

These are generally mixed together using a sound editing software and one that appears to be used by many AV enthusiasts is Audacity. This is completely free, reasonably easy to use and will meet all of your AV sound needs


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Hi Stonewall,

You asked about competition Audio Visual. Other than tet requirements of .exe files and credit for all involved, the basic requirement for competition is that you do not excees 12 mins per sequence. Most good producers rarely stray beyond 5 - 6 mins. I've seen classic shows of 2 min or less!

If you are intrested in competitions or workshops then have a look at www.avg.rps.org this is the UK based Audio Visual group of the Royal Photographic Society. If you are in the UK they will help you get in contact with local workers in your area. Also, have a look at visiting the 18th International Audio Visual Festival in Cirencester 19 to 21 sept 2008. Here you will see the best that the world of AV has to offer and meet the great and the good :D .

If you are here in Ireland contact http://www.irishphoto.ie/ the home of the Irish Photographic Federation or www.niphoto.co.uk for Northern Ireland. Both have excellent Irish AV contacts and information,

Hope this will get you started and we'll see you in Cirencester


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how can you get sound effects


You can find a lot of things (sound effects and musical instrument samples) on http://www.findsounds.com


2 Can you show through tranistions the idea you are turning the pages of a book?

Yes, PTE includes several transitions for this effect. It's called "Curling of page".

If you want to see how it looks like, I made a demo which gives you the complete view of all Transition Effects available.

Just click on the transition and it will play it for you.

It's blue in my demo but you can set the color of the back page to your convenience.

Download it here.


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