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Here is my vision as to how the user interface of the O&A window might be better integrated with the Slide List and Timeline views. I have assumed a "start point" of the Horizontal View in v5.5.

When the Objects and Animation button is clicked the view would change to show:

- the Timeline across the bottom of the window (with the ability to have it show the waveform as at present) scaled to fit the duration of the selected image

- the Properties, Common and Animation tabs would take the place of the Folder Tree (i.e. they move over to the left side of the screen)

- the previewed image would occupy the space of the File Panel and the mini-player areas combined (i.e. it moves over to the right side of the screen)

- the upper and lower toolbars would take their places pretty much as now

The keyframe points would appear on the Timeline display area. This gives us a better sense of exactly where the keyframes are relative to the soundtrack. Therefore we can more easily synchronize our animations to the soundtrack with better precision.

The mini-player controls would be used instead of the current Play/Stop button. We'll still be able to drag the blue arrow to exactly where we want to start the preview of this animation.

The Next/Previous keyframe buttons could be placed on the lower toolbar.

There should be an option to show all keyframe points for ALL objects. When this option is selected, each object should have its keyframe points in a different colour and, when necessary, a different shape of marker should be used. I have found there are times when I struggle to get the correct overlap of animations across two or more objects. Being able to see all the keyframes at once could be useful in checking and correcting such situations.

That's my vision. What do other members think?


Hi Peter,

While not totally disagreeing with any of the above, the parts I would be MOST in favour of are:

"There should be an option to show all keyframe points for ALL objects. When this option is selected, each object should have its keyframe points in a different colour and, when necessary, a different shape of marker should be used."

"The Next/Previous keyframe buttons could be placed on the lower toolbar."

Add to this the inclusion of other tape control type buttons for "Go to first slide" and "Go to last slide".


  fh1805 said:
What do other members think?

In my opinion, there is too much information treated in A&O module to allow good integration of this separate window into the main window.

A&O module brings PZR animations that AV authors add to a first and basic version of a show.

On the other hand PZR animations are related to a single background image, not to several, and in a show only some images need animations.

Ideally the solution to permit perfect synchronization of all objects linked to a main image is to improve ergonomic functions of the existing A&O window:


in a adjustable lower part of the window, we can see

  • simultaneous view of all object keyframe lines
  • sound tracks can be displayed
  • zooming is allowed
  • markers permit to link several keyframes together and to act on a keyframe line if all others are masked

All main commands are gathered in a menu and in a upper tool bar. Only "keyframe" commands stay at window bottom.

You can find a dynamic model of these improvments in post HERE (more than 1600 views today)

I do hope that Igor will realize these improvments in a next release.

In my opinion, there is too much information treated in A&O module to allow good integration of this separate window into the main window.

I fully agree with this point.

You can find a dynamic model of these improvments in post HERE (more than 1600 views today)

Your dynamic model is a very well thought-out proposal Jean-Claude, and I would certainly like to see the O&A screen developed in this direction.

Thank-you for the time and thought you have put into this.


Wouldn't that result in an incredible amount of "clutter" when there are many, many objects?? Some create animations with as many as 600 objects. By doing it as it's done now it's possible to "usually" see all keyframes for each object serially, but to try to show all keyframes for all objects simultaneously would make an impossible screen. I could see this for simple animations when there are only a few objects, but for complex animations it would seem to be untenable?

If it were an "option" then how would one decide how many object to allow when using this option? It would seem that one would run out of discernable colors rather quickly so this would only be useful for a limited number of objects. I see the utility for certain animations, but having this "rather" than the way it's done presently might not be suitable for every application.

Best regards,



There should be an option to show all keyframe points for ALL objects. When this option is selected, each object should have its keyframe points in a different colour and, when necessary, a different shape of marker should be used. I have found there are times when I struggle to get the correct overlap of animations across two or more objects. Being able to see all the keyframes at once could be useful in checking and correcting such situations.

That's my vision. What do other members think?

  Lin Evans said:
Wouldn't that result in an incredible amount of "clutter" when there are many, many objects??


If you examine carefully my proposal and use the corresponding dynamic model, I have treated this situation to avoid precisely amount of « clutter » .

In this model, you can see :

  1. screen part where keyframes are displayed is adjustable, so you can reduce or expand it as you want, (vertical scrollbar isn't implemented in the model but this feature must be present)
  2. two buttons permit to hide all object keyframe lines, or only current object line.
  3. to view an object keyframe line, you must click on its name in object tree, (I have not implemented several objects selection, but this is feasible : CRTL+click, SHIFT+click)
  4. with this you can decide object lines order,
  5. object keyframe line height is very small, keyframe time code numbers are displayed only on main image line

With all these features I think you can have a good solution for people who have only a few objects and also for people who create animations with as many as 600 objects (in my opinion this is a misappropriated use of PTE)



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jean-Claude,

It's an excellent suggestion and as long as the screen display can be adjusted as in your model it should be feasible. On the other hand I don't agree that having large numbers of objects is a misappropriated use of PTE. We must remember that users of PTE have diverse interests. Some want and need precise object relationship timings with sound and with other objects (the purpose of having the suggested features); others use PTE as a unique creative type of 3D modeling and display tool. Both are legitimate uses of this fine tool. Some animations currently done with PTE and not possible with competing products would not be possible without the capabilities of using large numbers of objects. So in suggesting changes one must be sensitive to all users and not only those who may use the software as we do. The present versatility is a major selling point, especially with younger users such as school children many of whom tend to be much more interested in object manipulation than in synchronizing images to music, etc. You may want to look at Jean-Pierre's early model of the atom for example, or one of my simulations of the rotating Earth and orbiting moon. Such animations are very popular in teaching science to children and PTE can play an important role here.

PTE fills a rather unique niche in that it bridges an existing gap between 3D modeling software and presentation slideshow software. I believe this versatility is a strength which shouldn't be diluted by drifting too far away from its design. Of course changes which do not adversely affect its present strength yet improve its versatility are always welcome and necessary for continued improvement. Changes such as with your suggestion seem feasible without adversely affecting present versatility.

Best regards,


  Jean-Claude said:

If you examine carefully my proposal and use the corresponding dynamic model, I have treated this situation to avoid precisely amount of « clutter » .

In this model, you can see :

  1. screen part where keyframes are displayed is adjustable, so you can reduce or expand it as you want, (vertical scrollbar isn't implemented in the model but this feature must be present)
  2. two buttons permit to hide all object keyframe lines, or only current object line.
  3. to view an object keyframe line, you must click on its name in object tree, (I have not implemented several objects selection, but this is feasible : CRTL+click, SHIFT+click)
  4. with this you can decide object lines order,
  5. object keyframe line height is very small, keyframe time code numbers are displayed only on main image line

With all these features I think you can have a good solution for people who have only a few objects and also for people who create animations with as many as 600 objects (in my opinion this is a misappropriated use of PTE)



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