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Pictures ToExe Deluxe 5.5


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I just bought the pictures toexe deluxe 5.5 version and made a slide show. I however can not figure out how to add it to my web page I am building. I have tryed another slide show site that you get a HTML code after you build the slide show and copy that to your web page. I am new to all this and can not figure it out. Can you please help??????

Thank you

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Unless your host provider supports executable code (most don't) you will have to decide on other options. You can almost always place an AVI in your web code. PTE deluxe supports output of AVI files, MPEG 2 files as well as burining DVD's. However, if you want people to be able to see a small movie on your website you must either use a small AVI (they will need to wait for download before show begins) or use a Flash conversion program to convert to Flash FLV to allow pseudo streaming. There are a number of good companies such as On2 Technologies, Sorensen, Wildform, etc., which have Flash conversion software and FLV output. Less expensive, but requiring more research and study would be Riva Producer.

Slideshows with zoom, pan, rotate, etc., are not amenable to html code, only slideshows which simply change slides with perhaps simple transitions.

The best way to allow people to see your slideshows from your website is to upload zipped executable files which they can download and play on their own computers. This way they see the full sized full quality slideshow with all the bells and whistles rather than a rather tiny and greatly reduced quality show.

See this type by going to my website below, click on the "demo slideshows" link then click on a thumbnail to download zipped executable to play on your own system.


Best regards,


I just bought the pictures toexe deluxe 5.5 version and made a slide show. I however can not figure out how to add it to my web page I am building. I have tryed another slide show site that you get a HTML code after you build the slide show and copy that to your web page. I am new to all this and can not figure it out. Can you please help??????

Thank you

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Hello picturebug,

If you really want to add a slideshow to your webpage easily, here is what you can do :

- convert your slideshow into a video with PTE

- create an account on Youtube or Dailymotion and upload your video

- youtube (and dailymotion as well) provides the html code you can include in your html page

- and as Lin suggested, provide the link to your executable zipped file to give your audience the ability to watch it in a much better quality and full screen.

This what I just did on my website to show you.

Please go have a look for yourself : http://www.thedom.fr/share/viewtopic.php?p=403#403

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