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Hi All,

Following on from a previous 'thread' and other enquiries the following deals with the 'Essential Codec Pak' from Media-Org.

Having downloaded the 'Codec-Pak' users are non-plussed as how to use these devices and in what applications.

The 'Photo-Instructions' below should de-mystify Codecs and will also explain where they are used, and why they are used.

Here below is a Link to acquire MPeg-Encoder-7 which encodec AVI's to MPeg2 and Mpeg4 and more. (9.2.Mb File).


The "Essential Codec Pak" also has a copy of the ever useful 'Windows Media Classic Player' so you can test your Productions

on your PC. (Do not confuse the 'Classic Player' with the 'Windows Media Player v10 or v11) Classic Player has no restrictions

and will also repay U-Tube and similar Productions.

Here below is a Link to the "Essential Codec Pak"








The Media Player Classic has not been updated ofr a long time. Casimir666 has updated it for better compatability with Vista, and fixed some bugs. it's available from Sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170561

And I haven't looked at this particular Codec pack, but some of the ones floating around the internet sometimes include commercial Codec's when they should not be distributed exept by buying them. This hopefully isn't the case here, but just a word of caution.

/edit. Looking at the list of codecs you've posted it seems all open source and freeware I think. The usual suspect is Codec packs including DivX Pro which isn't there. /end of edit




With respects, I have offered Forum Members a means of understanding Codecs and their uses and have made an effort to

de-mystify these things. Classic Player 3-2-1 (Version6.4v9 is also offered as a simple means of 'Testing' their Productions

live on their PC's without the restrictions deployed in Windows Media Player 10 & 11.

The Classic Player is 'packaged' within the Codec-Pak and we as Electronic Engineers are very familiar with Soundforge and the

666 version of the Player ~ but that would have entailed an additional 'download' and importing the Codecs into the 666 Player

which I believe would be beyond the scope of most Forum Members. Concerning 'DivX-Pro' you are well aware that the Suite

will only work on 'Certified DivX DVD Players' with DivX-Media on a CD-Disc which is really "off-base" in the present context.

Had you gone to the Download Site you would have see the (certified) Open-Org Source of the Codec-Pak and perhaps would

have reconsidered the comments in your Post above because we also use Commercial Codecs in our Business.

Brian Kelly (Snr)

Conflow Services.

Dublin. Irl.


Jeez you are patronizing aren't you.

As electronic engineers maybe you are familiar with sound forge. It is a good audio editor. However what has that got to do with my post?

It's is nice that you look down from your ivory tower at as all average forum members.

And you don't need to import any codecs into the Media Player Classic Home Theatre, they are already registered filters by installing the Codec pack. It just has better compatability with Vista. Fine if you think that it is "beyond the scope of most Forum Members".




If you have something to contribute to Forum Members about Codecs it would be

most welcome ~ rather than the criticism you just vented against me for trying to

help other Members whilst trying to keep things simple.

Concerning 'Sound Forge' ~ do you mean 'SonySound Forge Audio Editor', Sony's attempt

to purloin the Open-Source Web Site 'Sound Forge.Net' the distributors of Audacity Editor.

Sound Forge.Net were the origional Distributors of the 3-2-1 Classic Player and one had to

download the Codecs's for it to work properly including 'QuickTime and 'RealPlayer' extensions.

Brian Kelly.Conflow.



Conflow said:

<<If you have something to contribute to Forum Members about Codecs it would be most welcome ~ rather than the criticism you just vented against me for trying to help other Members whilst trying to keep things simple.>>

Um, he did. He suggested an updated version of Classic Player that is equally easy to install and is more compatible with Vista. And “a word of caution” on codec packs that may have commercial codecs in them improperly does not sound like “criticism you just vented against me” to me.

<<Concerning 'Sound Forge' ~ do you mean 'SonySound Forge Audio Editor', Sony's attempt to purloin the Open-Source Web Site 'Sound Forge.Net' the distributors of Audacity Editor.>>

Um, he originally mentioned Source Forge, not Sound Forge. He also used potential inclusion of the DivX Pro codec as an indicator of tricky business afoot, to which your non-sequitur reaction was to criticize him for mentioning a codec that was “off-base”.

Ordinarily I don’t like to comment like this. However, IMHO as a junior member with not many posts, I expect more from a senior member with 1100+ posts than the passive-aggressive, patronizing, condescending misreading and misinterpretation I see in your response to a junior member. This thread should have been over in two posts.

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