flame71 Posted June 24, 2008 Report Posted June 24, 2008 Hi,[where]should be possible to deform a picture in O&A ?The idea is to do a 3D look to the pictures and animate them.[edited]the same effect could be done with a rotation along the X axis or Y axis, in this version it's possible only along Z axis (over the plane XY)Fabrizio Quote
Lin Evans Posted June 24, 2008 Report Posted June 24, 2008 Hi Fabrizio,It is possible within certain limitations. I believe what you want is the manipulation of the "Z" axis. To a degree this is presently possible using PTE. It's not a direct manipulation in that you can't achieve a total perspective shift as possible with "transform" or "free transform" with Photoshop, but you can definitely distort the image as you may see in these examples:First a flat image distortion on the "Z" axis:http://www.learntomakeslideshows.net/sample/distort.zipThen a distortion of a vertical image to lie horizontally while animated. Note the main rotor on the helicopter which is transformed from a vertical rotation to a horizontal rotation:http://www.learntomakeslideshows.net/sample/helicopter.zipHopefully, in the future it may be possible to achieve the type of perspective distortion which now requires using Photoshop to achieve. But note that once done in Photoshop or other software it's possible to animate using PTE. Look at theDom's photo "book" example.Best regards,Lin fabrizio71 said: Hi,should be possible to deform a picture in O&A ?The idea is to do a 3D look to the pictures and animate them.Fabrizio Quote
flame71 Posted June 25, 2008 Author Report Posted June 25, 2008 Lin Evans said: Hi Fabrizio,It is possible within certain limitations. I believe what you want is the manipulation of the "Z" axis.Thanks Lin for your reply,I saw your samples in the past and I appreciate them, but in any case is only an illusion and is quite difficult to do the same thing at fullscreen without the help of black shapes around the original picture.The feature I think is a basic distortion 2D picture like a "trapezio" (in italian), where will be possibile to move each single little square at the corner of the image and then animate them Bye, Fabrizio Quote
Lin Evans Posted June 27, 2008 Report Posted June 27, 2008 Hi Fabrizio,I understand that what you want is the ability to distort the image as done with Photoshop, etc., in the perspective distortion mode. That's commonly known as "Z" axis manipulation and presently not directly possible in PTE - perhaps in the future.....By the way, there are no black shapes around the image in the samples I provided. The distortions are real and done via parent/child and independent XY axis manipulations - no "illusions".Best regards,Lin fabrizio71 said: Thanks Lin for your reply,I saw your samples in the past and I appreciate them, but in any case is only an illusion and is quite difficult to do the same thing at fullscreen without the help of black shapes around the original picture.The feature I think is a basic distortion 2D picture like a "trapezio" (in italian), where will be possibile to move each single little square at the corner of the image and then animate them Bye, Fabrizio Quote
shito Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 Lin Evans said: Hi Fabrizio,It is possible within certain limitations. I believe what you want is the manipulation of the "Z" axis. To a degree this is presently possible using PTE. It's not a direct manipulation in that you can't achieve a total perspective shift as possible with "transform" or "free transform" with Photoshop, but you can definitely distort the image as you may see in these examples:First a flat image distortion on the "Z" axis:http://www.learntomakeslideshows.net/sample/distort.zipHello linI am reading the forum and particularly the content of this topic is very interesting for me. I saw your demo or image distortion it is what i am serching to do. The concept of parnt/child is unique in PTE. Could you post "how to do" this move, is it possible to have the template ?Many thanks for you job.Regards Quote
Lin Evans Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 Hello Shito,I don't have a template but explain how the distortion is done in the Tutorials and Articles section under the pinned PTE Made Easy (PTE for Smarties) section. See the "Uber Rotation AVI" where I explain how to distort a helicopter main rotor blade via the parent/child relationship using nested rectangles and the rotor blade as a child of the second rectangle.By manipulating the rotation axis and distorting the X axis while leaving the Y axis in it's original shape, the "child" (rotor blade) is manipulated and held into a horizontal position. When rotated the horizontal position is maintained via it's relationship with the parent and grandparent. The rectangles are then made invisible by setting their opacities to zero and the illusion is complete. Watch the AVI and I think you will learn how to use the same principles to manipulate any image in a similar manner. This method of nested relationships can be used along with distortion of the X or Y axis independently to make interesting 3D effects of a flat object (image or object). If you wished you could chose a name such as image1 for your object or picture then simply substitute different images naming them "image1," etc., and have a "template" for identical manipulation of different images or object.Here's the link to the tutorials section. Look at the "Uberrotate AVI".....http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7901Best regards,Lin shito said: Hello linI am reading the forum and particularly the content of this topic is very interesting for me. I saw your demo or image distortion it is what i am serching to do. The concept of parnt/child is unique in PTE. Could you post "how to do" this move, is it possible to have the template ?Many thanks for you job.Regards Quote
Igor Posted October 2, 2008 Report Posted October 2, 2008 In version 5.6 we've added 3D for new transition effects.Maybe later in 5.7 it become possible to operate with objects in 3D space, too. Quote
flame71 Posted October 29, 2008 Author Report Posted October 29, 2008 admin1 said: Maybe later in 5.7 it become possible to operate with objects in 3D space, too.WOW! What a great news!Remember that if you need some help for a localized version of PTE (italian, of corse), here I am.Fabrizio Quote
thedom Posted November 13, 2008 Report Posted November 13, 2008 admin1 said: Maybe later in 5.7 it become possible to operate with objects in 3D space, too.It would be huuuge !!! Thanks Igor for trying to implement this new feature. Quote
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