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Iam new to this forum and PTX

I think I posted a message saying I could not load the key to unlock my new purchase of PTX Delux

I have just done it and I am now burning a test DVD

I am sure I will be back with questions later

PTX 5.5 looks very good just wish there had been a mac version as I have had to buy a PC laptop

I did not want to run windows on my Mac

sue d

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G'day Sue and welcome to the world of PTE A-Vs and the user forum. You will find lots of friendly help and advice here. This forum is a great source for advice, guidance and ideas. The sense of community here helps make working with PTE more creative and pleasurable.

Can I suggest you download Lin and Jeff's excellent "PTE USER GUIDE" PDF document, which you will find under the Tutorial section of the forum. It will answer all/most of your questions and save you hours.


The official PTE Users Guide can be found here:


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