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I notice that with v4.10 beta #4, if under project options/effects 'transition effects' are not selected and the 'Quick (no transition effects)' are selected then the length of the transition still appears on the 'Customize Synchronization' timeline - even though it doesn't have any real length. This is different from previous versions so I guess that it is not supposed to be like that.




Are you selecting a transition length under "Customize Slide"? If so, it will appear on the timeline since you are de-activating the default "Quick" effect by not selecting "transition effects" as a default.



No - I have not customized any slides so, as I understand it, they should all operate at the default setting and not show any transition time on the timeline. I have done exactly the same with version 4.01 and no transition time appears.

I like to have my slideshows synchronized to the music so tend to use "Quick" for nearly all slides with just a few fades at the beginning to get things going! If I can put them all in with the "Quick" effect then my plan now is to customize the fades from the timeline.

Perhaps somebody else could try this out and see whether it is "just me".



Hi, Eddie,

It works OK for me - the only transitions for which I see a horizontal grey transition bar after removing the "transition effects" check are the ones that I have customized.

Maybe you have to first select "transition effects", with the "fast transition" as the only effect, and then press OK, and exit the Customizing window. Then go back in to the synch mode and try un-checking "transition effects".

I know you have to save a change before it will be represented in the synchronization window, so maybe this is the case here, too.


Thanks Al,

Yes, that does it! Pressing the OK button so that the Project Options window closes and then opening it up again afterwards gets rid of the grey bars.

Thanks very much for your help.




Just noticed this tonight...slideshow w/about 225 images, 9 songs (MP3's), scanned images that range from about 150 to 300 KB.

There is a slight hesitation in the transitions that occur as one song ends and the other starts. I've seen it happen several times as I've watched the slideshow just now. So there is a bit of a hiccup on transitions when the songs are changing.

Thanks - other than that I haven't found a single issue w/the beta #4.


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