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I made an AVI of a PTE slideshow using 5.5. I tried several different codecs. But each time, after the AVI is made, I try to play it and I get this screen that says it is an " AVI Chunk Viewer" and it has some sort of a graph in it. I can't do anything after that to get the AVI to play. Never got this before. I closed this screen and I just get backed-out of everything.

Can someone tell me what is going on here???

Thanks... Gary


I just found out what was going on. I had recently installed the "Essential Codec" package. I uninstalled it and the AVI Chunck Viewer screen went away and the AVI played just fine. Not sure what really caused the problem but now the AVI I created in PTE plays.





The 'Essential Codec Pak' is designed for use where some Codecs are missing from a Program or from a PCs' Codec Set

or even in the case where a Codec may be corrupted (not working). The Essential Codec Pak is a generic Universal Pak.

The 'AVI Chunk Viewer' (codec) does exactly what it says, plays chunks of Video.

In your case you had downloaded the 'Codec Pak' and had tried it in some Program (probably PTE) and now you are

using PTE 5.5 which has its own generic Codec....You cant use 2 Codecs to do the same job simultaneously, that was

your problem, for the reason that particular Codecs associate themselves with particular Programs, and in this case both

were trying to associate with PTE simultaneously.

Hope this explains it.



Ken... I got the idea of dumping the Essential Codec pak exactly from where you had pointed me to. But I still don't understand what good the Essential Codec pak does if it creates a problem.

Brian... Some time ago, I had installed another codec pak--can't remember which one. What good is the Essential Codec pak if it gives me the AVI Chunk problem? I dumped the Essential Codec pak. Should I just live without it? Is there a way around this problem so that it is useful??




...In your case you had downloaded the 'Codec Pak' and had tried it in some Program (probably PTE) and now you are

using PTE 5.5 which has its own generic Codec....You cant use 2 Codecs to do the same job simultaneously, that was your problem, for the reason that particular Codecs associate themselves with particular Programs, and in this case both were trying to associate with PTE simultaneously.




I said in my Post..."You can't use 2 Codecs to do the same job simultaneously, that was your problem"...thats the bare bones of it.

In effect you created a ~conflict of interest~ between 2 Codecs. One can not blame one Codec or the other. I suspect that Igor

had created an API Application (for video) which best suits PTE5.5 and has probably chosen a Codec, generic to that job....

But you had a different Codec trying to do that same job...so problems, therefore one had to be removed.

Most users who are familiar with Codecs always create a Folder unique to that Codec Family. Now if a Program is giving trouble one

simply chooses a suitable Codec 'copies' it into the Program (having isolated the origional resident) then tries out the Program again.

If it doesn't work properly, you delete the 'copy codec' and tries another.

Example: Audacity Sound Editor, won't work until you load the Lame 3.9 Codec ~ it will also work with the Fraundorfer Codec,

but you can't use both at the same time. Then 'Nero Sound Editor' is quite different, it allows you to switch between a standard

Mp3 Codec and their Mp3-Pro Codec which costs a bundle. Another Program is 'QCD Player' and thats truly Universal, because

it can use up to 50 different Codecs for different jobs and you can download these if and when you need them.

When one is exerimenting with 'Quality Factors' it is not unusual for a person to try out 3 or 4 Codecs to get the best result.

Hope this explains more.



I said in my Post..."You can't use 2 Codecs to do the same job simultaneously, that was your problem"...thats the bare bones of it.


Brian... I accept what you are saying that "You can't use 2 Codecs to do the same job simultaneously, that was your problem". Ok. But here is what does not make sense to me...just trying to understand the situation. I had a bunch of codecs already listed in the PTE's Video codec list. I installed the Essential Codec pak. When I went back to the PTE's Video codec list, there were no duplicates...just the same list. So I did not see that there would be a problem with apparently 2 codecs conflicting with each other...since there were no duplicates listed. So it is not obvious that, lurking somewhere in the PC, there are 2 codecs trying to do the same job simultaneously. It would seem to me that the Essential Codec installation would overwrite the old one and just install the ones you did not have...at least that is what I thought would happen.

So it seems that if you put in one codec pak, you would have to eliminate it if you want to try another one??? This seems pretty strange to me. When I had previously installed the Ace Mega Codec pak, I did not have this conflict.

Thanks for the explanation. At least I got it back to working again... :rolleyes: Gary



I understand your perplexity ~ No Essential 'Copy' Codecs in the PTE Folder ~ they don't have to be in there. Consider a Codec

as a 'Virtual Mini-Processor' somewhat like a Desktop Shortcut associated with a Folder on your HD. Click the 'shortcut' and

your Folder opens up. Programs and Codecs have a similar association once the Program knows where the Codec is, it will find it

just as the Desktop shortcut finds its Folder.

Had you (in-depth) examined the Essential Codec List you would have found the 'Win Classic Player 3-2-1' (V6.9x) within that List.

The Codecs within that List do not migrate to other parts of the PC ~ unless you had used them at some time or another.

By default the Win Player Classsic also uses those Codecs and I wonder had you inadvertently activated the Win Player and it

was running in the background ~ that would also have created your problem, but there is more...

If memory serves me correctly, you had an AVI problem some weeks ago and I suggested you download the Essential Codec Pak.

Since then I have absolutely no idea how you used those devices, where and when ?......but somehow or other you definitely

had an 'active-system' running in the background which couldn't run without a Codec and when you deleted the Pak you also

stopped the 'running-process' so your problem was resolved.

Anyhow I'm glad you sorted it ~ I hope the above simple explaination helps.




...I wonder had you inadvertently activated the Win Player ?

No, I did not active the Win Player. I just installed the codecs.

If memory serves me correctly, you had an AVI problem some weeks ago and I suggested you download the Essential Codec Pak.

Yes, that is when I installed the Essential Codec Pak. After install, each time I booted up, a window asked if I wanted to run the Essential Codec Pak. I said "Yes" each time until recently I just said "Yes and don't ask me again". That probably was the problem and that started the conflict. I had tried several video players and they all came up with the AVI Chunk problem. I will leave things as they are now that it is working. Thanks... Gary

Anyhow I'm glad you resolved your problem ~ I hope the above simple explaination helps.



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