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Hello Igor & Support,

Would you be kind enough to tell me whether the following has been added to

the current beta 2?

"I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch.

mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability.

p.s. don't worry, please, that synchronization can be corrupted. Because

PicturesToExe synchronizes show of slides, following by the position of the

music player. E.g. if third slide should be shown at 47645 ms. and player

reported that current position of playing is 47645 ms. then the slide will

be shown immediately."

Reference forum thread.....


Thanks, and enjoy using P2E.

Best Regards,

Jim Larkey :D



There is still no support for objects on the last slide of a synched show.

However, Igor has added the capability to, on the last slide, customize it so it will open another application.

You can accomplish something akin to what you are requesting by making that "other application" a new one-slide un-synched show with objects to go to whatever other shows you want. Put a similar reference to the same "other application" at the end of each other show referenced.


I all time keep this suggestion in the mind.

But new music player required so many time and work and I'd like to concentrate to make it without bugs. I can promiss that it will be the next step in development of PTE.

New music player is written to realize this feature as well, and as future support of the OGG Vorbis, for example.


Thanks Igor for remembering.....as if I'd let you forget :D

The ability to open another app on the last slide (as suggested above by alrobin) has been there for some time, but unfortunately I've found that it doesn't do the trick. I do believe that we are on the same wavelength, and realize the convenience this feature would add for modularizing (if such a word exists) synched routines.

Thanks again to all, and Cheers!


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