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How doyou get to the DESKTOP in the file window?


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I had this question a long time ago and someone, I think, answered it. However, now I can't seem to be able to do it, even if it was ever solved. I can not remember.

I want to be able to select an image that may be on the Desktop. I am in the Classic View and I click on the One Level Up button but it does not get me to the Desktop.

I know I can right-click in the file list and bring up Explorer but that does not let me Add an image to PTE.

I'd just like to be able to get to the Desktop while in the PTE program to access images. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks... Gary

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Go to "View" and tick "Show tree". Hopefully the desktop is contained in the tree window. In Win XP prof the desktops of the users can be found in "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop".

Best regards,




Bingo...!!! Thanks. I could not remember how I did it before. It would be nice if the Desktop would appear in the line of Drives in PTE, but this will do. Thanks for the help.


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