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Problem with latest posts.

Guest Yachtsman1

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I assume you are referring to the PTEFAQs. The question is on the title bar of the post when it gets displayed.

The intention is to provide a set of model answers to the sort of questions that crop up time and time again. It was not the intention to build a comprehensive index linking all the relevant previous posts on each subject.

Now, when a new member asks one of the regular questions, we can point them at the FAQs, answer that question and hopefully forestall their next question!



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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Peter

As you've probably read I've just upgraded to Xp SP3 and am watching things like a hawk, I suspected my system but obviously it wasn't. Just to throw my two penneth in, can I assume the proposed FAQ's will have a separate heading in the forum home page?


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A totally new main section on the Forum's home page would be an ideal solution. An alternative would be to change the "Tutorials and Articles" heading to be "Tutorials, Articles and FAQs". This decision is out of my hands. It is one for Igor to make.

As a temporary solution, Ken Cox has set up a pinned item under "Tutorials and Articles" called PTEFAQs and I've added a post to this in which I am listing all the drafts as I get them prepared and posted individually.



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