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DVD Created in PTE 5.5

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Guest Yachtsman1

The nostalgia show I posted in the show section was offered to the local Railway Society as a DVD, I created the DVD in 5.5, all the images were sized to 1024x768 with between 150 and 250 pp,i the images I downloaded from the internet were also sized to this. My photographs with animation are smooth, the ones from the internet are jerky when the DVD is played back on my laptop, which is the one I created the show on, anyone got any idea why?? The exe file is smooth, only the DVD has a problem.



Hi Eric,

That's not too unusual when a DVD slideshow is played on some computers. Try the same disc on a commercial DVD player attached to a TV and I'll bet it's fine.

Best regards,


The nostalgia show I posted in the show section was offered to the local Railway Society as a DVD, I created the DVD in 5.5, all the images were sized to 1024x768 with between 150 and 250 pp,i the images I downloaded from the internet were also sized to this. My photographs with animation are smooth, the ones from the internet are jerky when the DVD is played back on my laptop, which is the one I created the show on, anyone got any idea why?? The exe file is smooth, only the DVD has a problem.




I assume the Photos you 'shot' were JPegs, but those from the Internet are usually 8.Bit Gif Images to save space.

Gif Images are 256 Colours (usually intense) but only 216 Colours are 'Internet Safe'. In comparison JPeg Images

have unlimited Colour +167.Million (24.Bit) with much smoother spectrum reproduction with no Data loss.

When Gif's are enlarged there are massive 'No-Data' voids within the Image because of the tiny Colour Count and

these are filled by default with 'black-pixels' ~ (pixels turned off) and also 'white pixels' (pixels fully on).

Problem being when the System scans a cluster of 'black-pixels' (no data) it tends to loose Scan-Synchronisation

and then re-locks on the next Frame. This is rarely evident with a Show Exe on a PC because its a slow process,

but when that Image is put on a DVD its multiplied 50 times for a 1.second TV.Viewing (50.Fields/Sec) and it 'drops-out'

at the same point in each Frame ~ then very visible "jitter" is seen and most times the DVD Show becomes unstable.

Tip: Never use Enlarged Gif Images in making a DVD.


Guest Yachtsman1

I assume the Photos you 'shot' were JPegs, but those from the Internet are usually 8.Bit Gif Images to save space.

Gif Images are 256 Colours (usually intense) but only 216 Colours are 'Internet Safe'. In comparison JPeg Images

have unlimited Colour +167.Million (24.Bit) with much smoother spectrum reproduction with no Data loss.

When Gif's are enlarged there are massive 'No-Data' voids within the Image because of the tiny Colour Count and

these are filled by default with 'black-pixels' ~ (pixels turned off) and also 'white pixels' (pixels fully on).

Problem being when the System scans a cluster of 'black-pixels' (no data) it tends to loose Scan-Synchronisation

and then re-locks on the next Frame. This is rarely evident with a Show Exe on a PC because its a slow process,

but when that Image is put on a DVD its multiplied 50 times for a 1.second TV.Viewing (50.Fields/Sec) and it 'drops-out'

at the same point in each Frame ~ then very visible "jitter" is seen and most times the DVD Show becomes unstable.

Tip: Never use Enlarged Gif Images in making a DVD.


Hi Comflow

All images were JPEGS, I am revising the show to add Lin's collage and will re-burn it to a DVD and try it on my Panasonic HD DVD recorder & player.


Guest Yachtsman1
Hi Comflow

All images were JPEGS, I am revising the show to add Lin's collage and will re-burn it to a DVD and try it on my Panasonic HD DVD recorder & player.


Have now re-burned the DVD and played on my DVD player there is no sign of jerkiness in the pictures downloaded from the internet.


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