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I hope you've seen Oleg's wonderful tutorial on creating PTE backgrounds on Beechbrook.

If you try to follow that tutorial, you'll see that it's pretty hard because there is no way to pause and resume a PTE show once it's running.

Of course, we'd like to also be able to restart PTE execution from a differen point once it is paused :). But giving us at least the ability to pause and resume a show would be a Really Good First Step, and might not be too hard for you to implement :).




When creating a background I have another option I would like to see.

Our only choice for a background is Tiled. I would like to have an option for "Fit to Screen"

This way when I make a background for a show It will look similar when viewed on different

screen settings. Now I can not make a background and have something in the lower right hand

corner and know that it will always been seen. Or, it may have the tile effect and start repeating

if it is viewed on a screen set to a larger size then what the show was made for.




To Admin1

Íó âîò Èãîðü, ïîçäðàâëÿþ!

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äëÿ ýòîãî òî÷íî íå õâàòèò.:-(((

Åù¸ ðàç ïðîøó ïðîùåíèÿ çà äîñòàâëåííûå íåóäîáñòâà.

Ýòî íàâåðíîå è åñòü òîò ñàìûé Russian style of create slidefilms. :-))))

Ñ óâàæåíèåì.



Regarding Harold's request:

Igor, does built-in music player make it easier to simply halt music and picture with "Pause" key in sync show? This would be a great addition to the v4.10 series. And if you grant us that wish, can you make the keyboard arrows operable (during "Pause" only) to allow back and forward slide movement during sync show pause?


If Igor can't give us sync show pause: Oleg, could you release the "Create BG" tutorial in non-sync show? Harold has a good point and a universal need: To be able to switch between his Photoshop window and the paused still frame of tutorial while working. In a non-sync show the arrow keys can be used to manually advance the tutorial when ready.

Regarding cc's request:

I agree. I would like to see background and object editor graphics optionally scaled to 100% of screen area setting. The main slide photo already has optional "Percent of screen" in "Fit to screen" display so that framed pictures may be displayed identically at any screen area with really nice shadow options. With background and graphics scaling we will be able to make shows that display identically (except for image resolution or sharpness) on any screen area setting. I believe that this major enhancement is a rather large effort to implement in PTE, so it may be for a later version at best. Any comment on this Igor?


To think(box)

Hello, Bill!

Oleg, could you release the "Create BG" tutorial in non-sync show?

1. In "Create BG" tutorial optiom "PrintScreen" is open and HaroldB can use it. :)

2. OK! But in August-September. (My job, sorry!...)




Thanks for your various suggestions on improvements of PTE!

We plan add many improvements to the Vis. editor in the next version.

Also in the next version I think to make possible pause and full control on presentation in the synchronized mode, including access to objects.



Pause and resume on synch shows ???

Geez Igor if you keep up with all these requests, the well is going to run dry !!! :D;)

Great work !!!!!!!

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