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Troubleshooting missing transitions and slides


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My show has 72 slides with random transitions and timed to the music.

The timeline view shows all slides and transitions, but the preview and show are missing some slides and only the first 2 slides show transitions.

Would reducing the size of each slide make a difference?

Right now they are the full size from camera and whole show is approximately 330 MB.

I'm looking for any suggestions to debug this.

Thank you! I've never had this happen before.


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At 330 meg I would guess your images are a lot bigger then they need to be. It is almost certain to be your problem and all you need to do is reduce the size of the images your using in your show.

If you can tell us what image editing software your using we may be able to give you pointers on how to reduce image size.

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Glad you are now back on track with your slide show. You would think that the question what size images do I need to create for my slide show would be easy to answer.

In fact it can get quite complicated to answer it and there are many tutorials on this site aimed at helping. I have tried to answer this question on my own site too. http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/audiovisua...e%20%20size.htm

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