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  Michel said:
A walk with us in high moutain in France : here. To share it with you.

Michel -

I enjoyed your slideshow very much. The scenry and subsequent photography was spectacular, and the music was soothing and fitting. The pans were nice and easy and worked well. The was one extensive pan that was possible a series of stitched pictures. If so, well done. I also liked having pictures of people in the scenes--it makes it easier to relate to what I'm watching. The only suggestion for improvement (and you didn't ask for suggestions, so pardon my presumption) would be to use a less distraction transition when zooming in on ther flowers. A gentle disolved would look nice I think.

All in all though, a most enjoyable show. I'll surely watch it many times.




Wonderful! I was there. Well, only for the few minutes that I walked with you.

Thank you for sharing the experience of beauty. I like the method used for your close-ups of the flowers pulled from the setting where they were found.

Your back packs appear nicely light weight. Do you utilize the mountain huts for shelter and for food?

Thanks again for a very pleasing presentation.

  Michel said:
A walk with us in high moutain in France : here. To share it with you.


A great show, I enjoyed it very much, Thank you for sharing.



Michel, I enjoyed your show, I thought your photography was great, it sure is difficult with those bright skies and I liked the detail in the (occasionally dirty) snow. I agree with Dave, above about the zoom in from zero, but that is just MHO.

A map indicating where in France would be informative for viewers who have never been to this area. And lastly, the text on the last page has been slightly clipped on the left hand side - very minor stuff I agree, but you might not have noticed it.

It's s keeper for me and I will probably show this at my camera club.


Thanks to all for your comments. Suggests are welcome: for zooming, I will think about a change with another show (high mountain part 2, in some days here); for the text on the left hand side, you are right, I will adjust the position today.

We use the mountain huts to sleep and to eat (French Club Alps) : nights are sometimes cold in summer at an altitude of 2600m (0°, -2°).

In France, the lake is near Beaufort (Savoy): you can see it on Google maps. I use also a GPS to save the trace.gpx and it is nice to see it on GM.


- for the text, done (show uploaded - new link in the first post)

- if you want see the trace, open it with Google Earth or GPSvisualizer


Hello Michel,

Wonderful show. Thank you for sharing this with us all. For me it brought back so many memories of my walking in the French Alps...Mont Blanc and the Vanoise. I was there with you in those images on the same tracks.

Unfortunately my photos were slides and I haven't the time or will to scan them all in and make an AV.

I look forward to pt 2



Hello Michel

Enjoyable sequence with numerous very good shots and some fabulous lightings.

To be honest, I find the overall quality of this slideshow and photos a notch below your earlier sequence's :... but this is very very relative as your photos and sequence creation mastering have always been of a very high standard of quality !

A last point : most of time I find well-meat thoughts as shown in the last slide/text a bit childish and fully ineffective.

Don't take umbrage at this comment. I assume total responsibility ... that's just my personal opinion and I fully understand that others can have an other one.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and a good idea for your GPS file as it adds a 3D vision and a better idea of the difficulties of your trip !


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