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Guest Yachtsman1
  jazmast said:
Is there a way to hide the navigation icons on some slides and keep them on others?



Not sure if this is what you want but here goes, openyour show, click the oblects and animation button, stretch or move the banding box (gold dotted line around your slide) and pull push or stretch the slide until what you don't want to see is outside the viewing area. click close.



yachtsman, thanks for the quick reply and the help! I had set my navigation bar parameters in Project Options. There are some slides for a particular reason I do not want to show the navigation buttons on the bottom of the screen. I tried stretching the frame way out but it does not hide the button and my image gets stretched too big. I wish that each slide had the option to show or hide the navigation buttons. I may have to just design the buttons outside of PTE and frame a link on each slide. Thanks again!




If you take the option on Project Options...Advanced tab to "Customize Navigation Bar" you can reduce the "hide after" time down to 1 second. That's as good as it gets.

If what you are wanting to do is to control the sequence manually, then turn off the navigation bar and use Project Options...Advanced to set your left mouse button and right mouse button to "Next Slide" and "Previous Slide". Ensure that "Permit control of show..." is ticked and then you have the ability to pause the sequence using the spacebar and advance or reverse through the slides using the mouse buttons. You will also need to tick "Wait for a key press..." on Project Options...Main tab (this turns off all automatic advance). You might also want to have "Always show mouse cursor" set on the Advanced tab so that you can use the mouse pointer to draw attention to points that you are talking about.




Wow, what a nice concise explanation on using the manual control option! I appreciate the instruction and may consider doing away with the navigation bars altogether. Any chance in future versions for Show/Hide nav bar for each slide?

Many thanks, fh!


Hi Dave,

Just read your post and the excellent replies..

For what it's worth I simply select in 'Project options ...... Advanced tab'

'Permit control of show using keyboard' and select 'Hide mouse cursor during show' and then use the pause key on the keyboard to stop at any slide and use the cursor arrow keys to go back and forth to what ever slide you want and then hit 'pause' again to start the music and slides.

This allows no wandering cursor during the show and no distractions on the images with total control of the sequence. Any help?



^yes, very helpful options, thank you.

The manual method would be my preferred way of watching slideshows as I don't like the clutter of cursors and nav buttons either.

But in the particular project I am working on now I need to advance from one slide to another down the list rather than to the next slide so I don't think I can use the keyboard cues exclusively.



Hi Dave – welcome to the forum

But in the particular project I am working on now I need to advance from one slide to another down the list rather than to the next slide so I don't think I can use the keyboard cues exclusively.

Dave you could use the keyboard keys up to the slide you wish to jump from.

Using a button with action “go to slide” (xx) will take you to the slide # you wish.

Then another button placed on this slide that will return you to where you left off, and proceed with the keyboard input.

If helpful contact me and I can send you a small sample.



Just a word of caution on Ralph's suggestion. If you programme your sequence using the "Go to slide xx" feature and then, at a later date want to add in some more images or take some images out or even shuffle some images around, the "Go to" slide numbers are not adjusted to reflect your changes. You will, potentially, have to reprogramme your sequence.

Earlier this year Igor and I had a discussion about this and came up with the idea of introducing a "Go to label" feature and couple that with the ability to assign a label to a specific slide. It is possible that this feature might be part of v5.6 (I've not had any further feedback from Igor and the developers on this suggestion). Provided you are not working to a tight deadline you might want to hold off and wait and see what is in v5.6. It's release date is imminent, last I heard.





Expanding on Peter's & Ralph's post above ...

Another possible way to achieve your navigation bar needs is to build your own with button objects ( as many as you need) in the O&A Window. Make your button destination settings. Once made just copy the button group to your slide pages needed. You will have to reset page destinations in the appropriate buttons if you are slide jumping.

Initially this will take a few minutes ... but its creative ... have them fade in or whatever within your slide timeline.

The problem waiting for v5.56 beta ... is that the feature Peter mentions may not be ready. Even if it is ... its not wise to make permanent slide shows with any beta versions even though Igor has done wonderful work on it.


Thanks, guys - I never expected this much input! Thanks to Hawk for the sample slides. All of the above methods will work to a point. I still think in the future an option in the individual slide settings to show/hide the nav bar would be nice. That way you could use your customized button object on a particular slide if you have need for a special link. I imagine though that the nav bar settings are created by a script that has to work for the general slideshow.

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