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Changing pictures in 5.5 > PTE gets confused


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I am new to PTE. Recently bought 5.5 and still going through tutorials and manual.

I have this probem:

While copying pictures from the file-panel to the slide list i sometimes copy the same pictures several times.

In the slide list i can change those pictures individually: objects and animations

When i rename the pictures in the slide list everything works in full screen preview, but all the slides that came from the same picture in the file panel are also changed by name. This gives errors in the small preview window on the main screen. PTE shows an error in that small screen (something like 'can't find file namexxx'). Still the full-screen works normally.

Is this an error or is this an operation that isn't allowed? (i.e. changing picture in slide list coming from same 'source' picture in file-list)

thanks for any help, hope to learn a lot on the forum,

Jan Vanquaille


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Hello Jan,

Welcome to the Forum. In another post elsewhere in the forum today, Igor has admitted that there are aspects of the mini-player (what you called the "small preview window") that are still not quite right.

I think your problem might be resolved by saving the project, closing PTE, re-launching PTE and re-opening the project. To protect and preserve your existing project I would recommend that you do File...Save As... and give the project a new name. That way, if I am wrong, you will still have your previous version of the project to go back to.

I hope you have many happy hours creating sequences using PTE.



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Hi Jan,

It's a "logical" error. Putting a slide on the slide list doesn't "duplicate" the original, it simply tells the program that you want to display this slide more than once for some duration of time. If you "rename" the original (that's what's happening when you rename) then the remaining slides having the old name are no longer valid so the program can't find them. The answer is not to rename files, just remove the excess from the slide list. You can do this by just clicking and dragging or by highlighting, right click then choose "remove slide from slide list".

Best regards,


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Hi Jan,

I think Lin has misunderstood your explanation of the problem. I've just done a little test setting up a project that uses just five slides as follows:

BlackSlide, Image1, Image2, Image1, BlackSlide

I then selected the first occurence of Image1 in the Slide List area, right-clicked on it and renamed it to Image1A. In the Slide List, both instances of the image showed their new name. In the File Panel above, the image showed its new name. But in the mini-player area there was a blue bar telling me that the image could not be found. I previewed the sequence using the Preview button and it worked as it should, no error messages.

I did File...Save As... and saved the project, closed PTE, re-launched PTE and re-opened the project - and now there were no blue bar error messages in the mini-player.



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i am glad to receive some help from your experience.

Your answers are just the way i experienced things. I will try your solution and i'm sure that way the problem will be solved.

(Just worked for about 3 hours on my first major PTE project).

Thanks again and till next (problem ?) time

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