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Thank you *very* much for the new Customize Slide button in the synch window!

I have one tiny suggestion. Nowhere in the synch window or in the slide options dialog box is the file NAME displayed. I haven't built a new show using the 4.10 betas yet, but it seems to me like it might be useful to have the filename displayed SOMEWHERE.

Maybe in a smallish font under the small preview window? Maybe in a frame at the bottom of the synch window? The slide file name should change every time the picture in the preview window changes. If that is a lot of work, maybe put it in the slide options dialog box, so at least when I am changing something, I can easily see the file name of what I am changing?

As I said, I didn't really NEED this yet. But it seems like a Good Thing To Have.



I follow Harold in thanks for new feature "customize slide" button in the time-line window (but this is possible also by double-click on "to 2", "to 3" labels etc.).

As to Harold's idea about filenames I agree, it can be convenient, even if not strictly necessary. If it's possible without a great work... maybe in 4.20!


I grateful you!

Good idea, I'll think how it can be done.

p.s. also I've added in the next beta ability to run Ext. application after last slide. E.g. to make possible creating of sequence of sync'ed presentations.


Do you mean automatically and not by a button? This could be really a very important improvement!

  admin1 said:

p.s. also I've added in the next beta ability to run Ext. application after last slide. E.g. to make possible creating of  sequence of sync'ed presentations.

Igor, I already used this feature in Beta #8! Are we getting enough sleep? I know sometimes I do not, but I hope you are!


quote (LumenLux):

"I already used this feature in Beta #8!"

Bob, what are you saying?!

Or maybe I am completely asleep and I didn't understand anything...


In previous versions there is only ability to run ext. application by the button/hyperlink or using personalized slide when this slide appears on the screen. New feature runs ext. application when show and music fully ended. It's more easy and correct way to run next presentation after last slide.


Well Guido, it is hard for me to tell who is asleep from here. ;)

And of course it may be I who is misunderstanding the conversation. But based on my understanding of what might be going on with a tiny portion of this thread, here it is.

The ability to run a second or multiple PTE shows without user intervention has long been a desired feature. I understood from Igor's post above, that he would add that feature in the next Beta. I am using Beta #8 now, so it seems Igor was saying the feature would be in the next Beta and therefor is not in Beta #8. However, I have used just such a feature that I found in Beta #8. Maybe someone can explain the difference or my misunderstanding.

I yesterday posted a new show, It Is Not About the Fish on Beechbrook. Some forum members may remember I was having trouble using Al's Adjustor Model to complete the show. Al was out of town so I was searching for a different solution. What I was trying to do was add 24 seconds of sound and one or two new slides at the first of my show, without messing up the custom sync of the sound track and the original 74 slides. So I used the new feature as I found it in Beta #8. I simply made a new intro show of two slides, 24 seconds of sound track. The second slide ends the intro show and then runs the original 74-slide show with the custom-sync still in tact. Is this what we are talking about?

The two shows run just dandy without any clicking of any button to get from one show to the next. The feature was implemented simply as follows: On last slide of first show main input screen, choose "Customize slide" . The box opens to "Customize Slide #2" which offers at the bottom "Advanced options" where I simply checked the box to "Run external application" and then used the little browse window there to insert the name of the original PTE show. So to run the two shows sequentially, I just had the two shows in the same directory. So when I ran Fishthought.exe it played it's 24 seconds and then automatically started Fishbody.exe as the second show. The only quirk I found was that sometimes the mouse cursor or the loading hourglass would flash ever so briefly on the screen. The hide cursor settings did not seem to control whether or not the cursor might show up.

So the final question (for now) is: Is this the feature we have been talking about? :D

Now, if you down load "It's not about the fish " from Beechbrook.com, you will not see what I am talking about. Before I uploaded the show to Bill's site, Al returned and with his encouragement I was able to use his Adjustor Model to complete the show as I had first intended. Either way works in this case.


Ok Bob, all is clear now. You're right (I said, I was asleep! ;):D ).

Only now I realized that in custom slide window there is the new option "Run external application". Only a little remark: this option came since the first 4.10 beta.

When Igor says "also I've added in the next beta ability to run Ext. application after last slide", clearly he refers to a new function at the end of the show, that will appear in General Project Options.

BTW, I've much appreciated your "It Is Not About the Fish". But I would like to see the whole show with Intro!

  LumenLux said:
"It's not about the fish "

Hi, Bob,

That was a short holiday! Hope you caught some fish! Speaking of which, I enjoyed your latest show - it brought back a lot of memories, most of which were not about fish, either.

Fishing must a little bit like golf if it's not about fish! :)

Glad you were able to get Adjustor working satisfactorily.

  guru said:
BTW, I've much appreciated your "It Is Not About the Fish". But I would like to see the whole show with Intro!

I think we are clear on the "run external application" feature in Beta #8. Now I am only not sure what you mean in the quote above. The show you dl'd from Beechbrook, is the entire show. The FishThought.exe file should be 17,225 kb. Should run about 4 min 33 sec. Is that what you watched? Or would you like me to email the version that used the "run external application"? which actually used two .exe files.

  alrobin said:
  LumenLux said:
"It's not about the fish "

Hi, Bob,

That was a short holiday! Hope you caught some fish! Speaking of which, I enjoyed your latest show - it brought back a lot of memories, most of which were not about fish, either.

Fishing must a little bit like golf if it's not about fish! :)

I guess you may be right Al - the way I play golf, it would be a real self condemnation to say it IS about golf. Truthfully, on the seldom occasions when I golf, it is indeed the scenery and friends that make the experience worthwhile.

As for the "short holday" - It really was only an over-nighter which involved going back to the stream in the slide show. In fact, maybe I will follow your example and share a little narrative over in the Presentations area of the forum. I appreciated the text info you provide with your Dempster Highway show. I did not include such a description with the posted show. One viewer emailed me with a question or two, so maybe I will excerpt from my response to her, and tell some more of the "experience." If I can link this properly, it should be found here:

"Not about the fish" in Presentations section of Forum

We'll see.



Or would you like me to email the version that used the "run external application"? which actually used two .exe files

Yes, Bob, I meant just this version with two EXE files.

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