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running exe file


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Sorry to ask such stupid questions - I am new to PTE.

I have pte v4.49.

I have created an .exe file which ran fine on my computer, but my sister is having trouble running it. I know you can;t run it on Apple computers, but all PC's should be fine? Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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It would help enormously if we had some details. What exactly are the symptoms of the problem? Does it not start at all? Does it play only the images and no sound, only the sound and no images? Without some greater detail we cannot, realistically, give you any advice.



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To get you sorted with this problem, please let us know:-

1) Make of your sister's Computer ?

2) Model Type ?

3) What 'Operating-System' is used on that PC ?

4) How did you import the Exe onto that PC ?

This is the least information we Forum members need.


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