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Hi there

I`m hoping someone can help

I`m trying to upload a slideshow to youtube, but I keep getting the error "your log-in details are incorrect" - although they`re not as i can log in to youtube if i go there directly.

I know there was a post a while back when someone had the same problem trying to upload to vimeo, but the problem seemed to be solved by the new 5.6 ver 7 beta

Thing is it`s the 5.6 ver 7 I`m using and I can upload to vimeo no prob

Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated


Hi Stew,

Did you re-enter the login information since the failure? That is, have you unchecked "Keep your Login and Password" then exited the program, reopened PTE and re-entered the information then rechecked the Keep your Login and Password?

It could be that you are working with a script from the past error. Try re-entering if you haven't yet done so and if it still doesn't work there is a problem.

Best regards,


Hi Stew,

Did you re-enter the login information since the failure? That is, have you unchecked "Keep your Login and Password" then exited the program, reopened PTE and re-entered the information then rechecked the Keep your Login and Password?

It could be that you are working with a script from the past error. Try re-entering if you haven't yet done so and if it still doesn't work there is a problem.

Best regards,


Hi Lin

Thanks for your reply

Yes I`ve done everything you mentioned but still no luck. I even tried using my daughter`s log in and password but still nothing. I can upload to vimeo without any problems tho

Many thanks



There have been major changes to the 'Login' procedure and 'Security' procedures of You-Tube within the past 6 weeks.

The You-Tube "Link" below addresse's these issues and it should resolve your problem.

Hope it helps, and if so, please let us know.

Link: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/...amp;topic=10557


NB. read this Attachment:-



There have been major changes to the 'Login' procedure and 'Security' procedures of You-Tube within the past 6 weeks.

The You-Tube "Link" below addresse's these issues and it should resolve your problem.

Hope it helps, and if so, please let us know.

Link: http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/...amp;topic=10557


NB. read this Attachment:-

Hi Brian

Thanks for your reply

Tried both methods suggested but still no joy





Try an 'upload' one single Photograph less tha 100kB in size - JPeg Format.

* If that doesn't work-

Re-register a New Account with a 'different' User-Name and try an upload 1 Photograph again (as above).

* If that doesn't work there is something wrong on your side of things.

Select 'Tools' at the top of this Page-->Internet Options-->Security Tab-->Set it to Medium.

When finished that, select-->Privacy Tab-->Set it to Medium also.

Now try an 'upload' 1 Photograph ???

If it works try and 'upload' your Pte.File.

If that doesn't work-->convert your Pte.File-->to a 'Video-File' less than 10mB and try that.

(I vaguely remember somewhere that they are now only accepting Video-Files ??)


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